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Gravity: Mother Earth’s Energy Field
by Charles Ruland • Huntington, NY

We all feel the affects of the earth’s energy field, that is, gravity. We may or may not be aware of our relationship with gravity, but our physical structure, that is, our posture, is a window into this question. Take a look from the side: Are you aligned? Does your ear line up with your shoulder, elbow, hip, knee and ankle?

As we get older any imbalance becomes more obvious. The head alone approximates the weight of a bowling ball, and if you are not working with the effects of gravity, it feels heavier. Dr. Ida P. Rolf said that gravity is either building us up or breaking us down– it is never neutral.

Entropy is the breakdown of order and structure in physical systems. According to Deepak Chopra, it is inherent in the physical makeup of the universe, and is at the core of the reason our bodies deteriorate and age over time. In his book Ageless Body, Timeless Mind, he states that, “Entropy is the tendency to spread out, moving energy to less concentrated areas… Entropy is dragging the entire cosmos down to its end, when all energy will be evenly distributed across the vastness of space… But when matter and energy collect into orderly patterns, entropy is defied." Anything that creates order or provides an environment where chaos is the exception rather than the rule combats entropy.

During a workshop in the Hakomi method of Body Centered Psychotherapy, I heard what has become a favorite quote of mine: The fish is the last to discover water. Ida Rolf states, "The gravitational field of the earth is easily the most potent physical influence in any human life. When the human energy field and gravity are at war, needless to say gravity wins every time. Gravity is with us from the time of conception to the moment of death. It is so all-pervading that we cannot sense it, for humans perceive sensory stimulation only as it varies. We do not sense gravity but we do adjust to it."

We may not be aware of gravity, but we experience it continuously, either as supportive or burdensome. The affects of entropy are minimized when our bodies are more in line with this force. A building that stands upright has less tendency toward collapse than a structure that tilts.

So, how can the human body be changed from a structure that advocates chaos and entropy to one that encourages order and works with the support of gravity? Dr. Rolf said about her lifelong work on Structural Integration, "We hope to demonstrate here that the borders of this chaos can be pushed back. By structural organization of the body, specifically of its fascia (connective tissue,) we can lessen disorder at the unconscious level. We have evidence that we can bring the body to some degree of conscious order."

I have experienced both the up and down affects of gravity. One way to compound the force of mother earth is through running. If you have an aligned body, long distance running should have little or no negative affect. That was not the case for me 20 years ago when I started training for a marathon. Aerobically, I was fine, but months of running 5-8 miles a day and 10-15 miles on weekends multiplied the effects of gravity. I was committed to finishing with a personal best, so I investigated some body work alternatives. I found Structural Integration. Although I knew nothing about the theory or principles of the work, I knew that after each session, running was different. My relationship with gravity changed from enemy to friend.

One of the most important ways to change your relationship with gravity is awareness: Become aware of how you stand, sit, drive and walk. Changing postures and habitual patterns from the past is not easy, as you may already know, but it is possible. Chiropractic is a popular system of structural medicine, as is Osteopathy. These systems address the hard tissue– bone, disc and vertebrae.

However, the founder of Osteopathic medicine, Andrew Still, had this to say about the connective tissue (specifically fascia:) "The fascia is the place to look for the cause of disease and the place to consult and begin the action in all diseases." Fascia is the soft tissue that gives our body its shape. It’s like the casing of a sausage.

There are some very effective systems designed to change your relationship with gravity available today. Structural Integration is one of them. It’s not for everyone– it will take you out of your comfort zone and it requires work on your part. Awareness exercises are an important in extending the benefits of sessions. Another method that can be helpful is Pilates. I recommend Pilates along with Yoga and Alexander Technique. These are some of the better ways available to combat the effects of gravity. All of these systems help to develop the core stabilizing muscles in your body.

Structural Integration, Yoga and Pilates will all assist you in developing a positive relationship to gravity, but the most important method is awareness. In this moment, what is your posture like as you read this article? I have caught myself collapsing in my chair a dozen times as I write this. But once I’m aware, it’s no big deal to hold myself upright, although it would be big deal without the support of the core stabilizing muscles.

In developing your relationship with gravity, use awareness, get the support of a good system, and see yourself as a warrior, with the earth’s energy field as your ally. Gravity can be your friend, supporting your body in healthy ways.

Charles Ruland is a Licensed Massage Therapist as well as a Rolf Practitioner, a Certified Zero Balancer and trained Hakomi Therapist. Appointments available in Glen Cove and Huntington; to schedule call: (516) 448-1853 or (631) 385-8814.