Escaping from the Prison of Our Mind
Over time,
we lock
ourselves up.
The little boy or little
girl that runs free
with imagination,
awe and joy slowly
and imperceptively
is tamed, regulated,
chained and eventually
imprisoned. Our heart’s purpose is to connect us to the mystery and flow of the creative force of the universe. Our heart collaborates, cherishes, connects, opening a way to the felt sense of being fully alive in the matrix of creation. Our heart tells us what is the same about ourselves and another person. While our minds are certainly useful and often can lead us away from what we don’t want and toward what we do want, our minds cannot bring us to the altar of awe: the place where we experience the essence of being alive in an alive universe. Only accessing and opening our heart can bring us to that place. So how do we get from here (mind) to there (heart)? Well, it is simple, but not always easy. It is simple because as we sit in the prison of our mind, if we look down at our hands, we will see that we ourselves each hold the key to the lock on the door to our own prison. We are holding ourselves in the prison of our mind. Simple. What is often not easy is actually seeing the key we hold in our hands. Most of us have been trained from an early age to gradually allow the key to become invisible to us. We take on the beliefs of those around us, finding false truth in the limitations we were invited to adopt. Slowly, over time, we construct our constraints by our choices. Choosing the “safe” path over the more difficult or “risky” path, storing up for the future rather than living in the present moment. Putting off our happiness, postponing our joy, externalizing our power, we come to the place where we are sitting in the prison of our own minds unaware we are holding the key to freedom. The beauty of the situation is that as long as we have breath, we have access to our heart. It is never too late. Start setting aside time to meander, creating unstructured time to be surprised by joy and the abundant messages all around you that the Creative Force of the Universe imbeds in existence. Open your heart to someone by loving them without conditions imposed by your mind. Rediscover and cultivate what is unique about your existence in the world, allowing what is in your heart to define you. Live YOUR life, not the life others have led you into with your consent. The life others want you to live is the prison in your head. The life you were gifted by your Creator is the freedom of your heart. Tom Capshew is the author of Divine Warrior Training: Manifesting the Divine in Our World. He is working on his second book, Consciousness Rising. He works with individuals, couples and families in a private psychotherapy practice. His private spirituality practice is available in-person and online. Please visit www.innerspark.org for more information. |