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Change … It’s All in the Cards!
by Gina E. Jones • Atlanta, GA


How would your life change if you could read the entire story of your life from birth to death? How empowering it would be to read the script of every day of every year of your life from beginning to end; a script that discloses the order and purpose of your experiences, challenges and even your relationships? Having the story of your life and its accompanying script in your hands would probably change your life completely and that is exactly the purpose of reading it. Your life script reveals, with astounding accuracy, what may seem to you like random, chaotic, unrelated events, subject to the capricious winds of chance.

Cardology, highly revered mystical information lost for untold generations, is available once again for all to have, but really it is only meant for those conscious enough to learn their true purpose and role in life. While the existence of Cardology was confirmed back in 1893, it was only recently that the depth of this ancient knowledge has been unveiled. And like so many of life’s greatest secrets, it was cleverly hidden in plain sight for all to see—tucked away for safe keeping inside a deck of “ordinary” playing cards. Who would have ever guessed that common Jacks, Queens, Kings and Aces mysteriously hold the most intimate secrets of our daily lives?

How ironic that everything about our lives has been here all along, right in our very own hands playing games like poker and solitaire. Who knew the power that each little pack holds? Yet references about this “little book” of cards were made in the Bible. In Revelations it says, “And I went unto the angel, and said unto him, ‘Give me the Little Book.’ And he said unto me, ‘Take it, and eat it up; and it shall make thy belly bitter, but it shall be in thy mouth sweet as honey.’” I know personally that it is hard to digest this bitter-sweet truth, but the proof lies in the cards themselves and validity of the stories and encoded scripts of our lives contained within.

Let’s take a closer look at the cards and their true meanings. First there are 52 cards in the deck representing the 52 weeks in a year. The 12 court cards—the Jacks, Queens and Kings— represent the 12 months in a year. If you add the face value of each card together, which adds up to 364, then add the Joker (valued at 1¼), they add up to 365¼, the number of days in a year. The four suits: Hearts, Clubs, Diamonds, and Spades represent the four seasons: Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter, and the four directions: North, South, West and East. The 13 cards in each suit represent the 13 weeks in each season, the 13 lunar cycles in each year.

Each day of the year is mathematically associated with one of the 52 cards. For every birthday, there is a card, an archetype or personality, and a story for the life born that day. Each story comes with a script that reveals both the high and low sides of our personalities, our karmic relationships, and things we have chosen to work on in this lifetime. Not only do the cards reveal our chosen destiny with astounding accuracy but also the precise workings of each day of our lives. It gives specific dates, events, what will happen, and with whom. When you learn about the cards of your life, a true revelation occurs—like looking in the mirror for the first time.

The ancient mystical science of Cardology, which incorporates Astrology and Numerology, dates back to Atlantis. It is said that the playing cards are the original tarot cards and were carved on ivory tablets and used exclusively in the temples by the priests. The oldest printed material available to us now is from Olney H. Richmond, a mathematician and astrologer, who published information about Cardology in his book, The Mystic Test Book, in 1893. It was called that because everything inside could be tested for its validity.

Beyond self-understanding, the cards of life reveal when you will fall in love, get married, make a lot of money, change careers, relocate, if you are going to be in a partnership and with whom, and other changes we experience in life. In today’s world, this invaluable knowledge can help you, personally and professionally, capitalize on the opportunities that are on the way.
Life is a movie and you are the star; so play your role well. Learn your cards of life so you can shine and help change yourself and our world for the better. You came here to light up the world. Celebrate your story, your character, your cards, to make your life more successful and fulfilling. It’s all in the cards…so shine brightly and brilliantly!


Gina E. Jones

Gina E. Jones is an award-winning author, producer, screenwriter, Cardologer and Certified Magi Counselor, Founder of International Association of Cardology, Co-Founder of Cardology Community: The Official International Online Forum for Cardology, and teacher of the Cards of Life. www.TheCardsofLife.com