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Are you a World Server?
by Colleen Mauro


Spiritual Telepathy by Colleen MauroMany of us long for meaningful work and want to live lives of spiritual purpose and service. Our task is to discover where and how we can make our greatest contribution to the world. Encoded in our souls is our true life purpose. When we make contact with the soul, our service, our unique contribution to the world, becomes clear. The soul, the repository of our many lifetimes of experience, is our purest and most reliable source of direction and guidance. It is our divine partner, an internal GPS system that guides our lives, first as subtle promptings and later, as we establish a deeper connection, as a source of wisdom we can contact at will.

Today, there are millions of people who are devoting their lives to service.

Motivated by the promptings of their souls, these servers are working to usher in a more peaceful, sustainable, and compassionate world. This group includes humanitarians, educators, politicians, scientists, financiers, environmentalists, entrepreneurs, artists, writers, and all men and women of goodwill.

According to the Ageless Wisdom teachings, those of us with the impulse to serve belong to a group called the “New Group of World Servers.” This group has no formal organization, no headquarters, and no outer structure. It includes people in every country and in every field. This group is held together only by an attitude of mind: an international vision of unity, cooperation, and peace.

Our passions, the things we care most about, are whispers from our souls that can guide us to a particular career or service. I was a kid who loved books and magazines. When I was eight or nine, I read a novel about a girl my age who had her own column in a daily newspaper. The drawing on the cover showed a young girl in a green visor, hunched over a typewriter in a pool of yellow light. The first time I saw that book, something clicked, and I read it over and over. I stared at the cover and knew, without a doubt, that I wanted to be that girl. A few years later, I started a newsletter for my sixth-grade classmates, and I’ve been involved in publishing, in one form or another, ever since.

Author Corinne McLaughlin recommends matching our skills and passions with the needs of the world. As she explains, “When you bring three things together—your gifts and skills, your own particular passion, and the needs of the world— you find the ‘sweet spot,’ the area where you can make your greatest contribution.”

What are you passionate about? Do you have a passionate interest in spirituality, health, politics, business, science, technology, the environment, media, or the arts? How can you use your unique gifts and talents to further the evolutionary goal of cooperation, unity, and peace? If you are not sure how to put your gifts and talents to work, use this meditation to discover the unique contribution you can make to the world.


1. Give yourself fifteen minutes of uninterrupted quiet time. Calm yourself by closing your eyes and following your breath, in and out, for a count of ten. 2. When you are ready, use your creative imagination to lift your consciousness to a focal point outside and above your head. See this as the rational mind, now still and receptive. Project a line of light upwards to the soul. Imagine your soul as brilliant sun, a radiant source of energy, six inches above your head. As you link with your soul, silently repeat the following mantra:

I am the soul,
I am the light divine.
I am love, I am will,
I am fixed design.

3. Take a deep breath and, holding your mind steady in the light, meditate for fifteen minutes on the following question:
“How can I serve?”

4. Listen inwardly for the subtle voice of your soul. At the end of the meditation period, allow any thoughts or images you receive to trickle down gently from the soul to your lower mind, and from the lower mind to your brain.

5. Take a moment to collect your thoughts, and when you are ready, end the meditation by silently sounding the Om. Visualize a pure white light pouring down from your soul, illuminating your mind, calming your emotions, and invigorating your physical body. Send out this incoming light and love to your fellow servers, your family and friends, and all those in need of healing.

Repeat this prayer or make up your own:

May the light of my soul guide and direct my day.

May I be useful in service to my fellow human beings.

May I receive the assistance I need to do my part in the great work.

When you have finished, write down any information you have received. Be aware that your answer may come in a dream or an intuition that leads you to pick up a book, explore a particular group or organization, research a new field, or reach out to a friend or colleague. Also be on the lookout for subtle nudges from your soul that might lead you in an unexpected direction. And remember, there should be a sense of joy in your service. As the Indian Poet Rabindranath Tagore wrote:

I slept and dreamt that life was joy
I awoke and saw that life was service
I acted and behold, service was joy.

This material was adapted by permission of Quest Books (www.questbooks.com) from Spiritual Telepathy by Colleen Mauro. © 2015 by Colleen Mauro. The meditation was adapted and used by permission from Lucis Trust (www.lucistrust.org).

Colleen Mauro


Colleen Mauro was the founder and editor-in- chief of Intuition Magazine. She can be reached at spiritualtelepathy.net.