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Seeing Clearly Through Your Third Eye
by Susan Shumsky


mans face with third eyeWhat is your “third eye”? And how can you open it?

Through the window of your eyes, you can view the ever-changing landscape of your beauteous, miraculous world. You can delight in beholding the glorious manifest creation around you—both the natural world and man-made objects. You perceive this magnificent world with your five senses: seeing, hearing, tasting, smelling, and feeling.

But there is a sixth sense. With this sixth, higher sense perception, you can open the gateway to subtler realms of existence. You can develop an inner eye and view an invisible world, consisting of multiple dimensions, alternate realities, subtle planes, spiritual worlds filled with light, and parallel universes of indescribable wonders. This eye of wisdom, knowledge, illumination, and intuition is aptly named “the third eye.”

The mechanism of sight, according to science, is a marriage between the object of perception, your two eyes, and your brain. It is believed the mechanism of inner sight (insight or intuition) uses an inner third eye, seated in the pineal gland. This gland, somewhat of a mystery to modern allopathic medicine, is well known to Ayurvedic medicine of India, to Chinese medicine, to Druidic, Judaic, Islamic, Taoist, Mayan, Tibetan, Aboriginal and other cultures, and to ancient Egypt, Sumeria, Assyria, Babylonia, Greece, Rome, and Mesoamerica.

In India, this third eye is known as ajna chakra, a subtle energy plexus in the center of your brain. It is the portal of higher vision, where you can see what is not evident to your eyes. The ajna chakra is not in your physical body. If you were to dissect a cadaver, you would not find it anywhere. It is located in your subtle body.

Throughout the ancient and modern world, this third eye has been named “divine eye,” “all-seeing eye,” “mind’s eye,” “eye of the soul,” “inner eye,” “eye of illumination,” “eye of wisdom,” “Eye of Horus,” “eye of providence,” “eye of God,” “sixth chakra,” “ajna chakra,” and “brow chakra.”

Calcification of the Pineal Gland
Babies and children have large, pristine pineal glands. As they approach puberty, the gland shrinks. With that contraction, the child-like sense of wonder also diminishes. Clairvoyant experiences of children disappear with age. This might be the result of pineal gland calcification, which begins as early as 5 years of age.

Over time, the pineal gland accumulates calcium deposits: corpora arenacea (acervuli or “brain sand”). These are composed of calcium phosphate, calcium carbonate, magnesium phosphate, and ammonium phosphate, and have been linked with aging. Research shows the degree of pineal gland calcification is significantly higher in patients with Alzheimer’s disease versus other types of dementia.

The pineal gland calcifies with the introduction of halides, such as bromide, fluoride, and chlorine. Thus, pineal gland calcification and decreased enzyme production has been linked to sodium fluoride, which is added to 90 percent of United States drinking water, bath water (absorbed by our skin), beverages, food, toothpaste, Prozac (fluoxetine), fluoroquinolone antibiotics, and non-stick cookware.

In 1997, Jennifer Anne Luke of the School of Biological Sciences, University of Surrey, Guildford, UK, The Royal London Hospital, was first to study the effects of fluoride on the pineal gland. Fluoride does not accumulate in the brain, and the blood-brain barrier obstructs fluoride from passing into the central nervous system. However, the pineal gland is not part of the brain. It is outside the blood-brain barrier.

In Luke’s study on elderly pineal glands, she showed for the first time that fluoride accumulates in the pineal gland, and by old age an average pineal contains 300 mg per kilogram, as much fluoride as teeth. The pineal has the highest concentration of fluoride in the body—enough fluoride to inhibit enzyme production.

Most developed countries do not allow fluoride in their drinking water. However, more people in the United States drink fluoridated water than the rest of the world combined. Countries with high fluoride levels in the water are now taking measures to remove the fluoride because of potential health problems. Check the website www.fluoridation.com for 50 reasons to eliminate water fluoridation.

In 2006, the National Research Council (NRC) released a study: Fluoride in Drinking Water: A Scientific Review of EPA’s Standards: “... fluoride exposure results in altered melatonin production and altered timing of sexual maturity... Recent information on the role of the pineal organ in humans suggests that any agent that affects pineal function could affect human health in a variety of ways, including effects on sexual maturation, calcium metabolism, parathyroid function, postmenopausal osteoporosis, cancer, and psychiatric disease.”

Decalcifying Your Pineal Gland
You can well imagine what effect calcification of the pineal gland has on your third eye. Therefore, you may use some of the following methods to decalcify your pineal gland. IMPORTANT: Check with a physician before doing any of the following:

Some foods reported to aid in pineal gland decalcification include: garlic, lemons, Braggs raw apple cider vinegar, raw cocoa, tamarind, goji berries, cilantro, watermelon, bananas, honey, coconut oil, hemp seeds, nigella sativa (black seed), seaweed and chaga mushroom. Avoid the following: processed foods and drinks, GMO foods, pesticides, artificial sweeteners, mouthwash, cleansers, refined sugar, sodas, caffeine, alcohol, tobacco, mercury in fish, tooth fillings, and vaccines.

Drink fresh, pure water that has not been fluoridated. That would include fresh spring water, distilled water, and reverse osmosis water. Most water filters do not remove fluoride. Avoid tap water and cooking with tap water.

Recommended supplements include hydrilla verticillata (freshwater plant), chlorella (green algae), spirulina (blue-green freshwater algae), ginseng, Vitamin D3, Vitamin K1/K2 (Jarrow Formulas), MSM, bentonite clay, chlorophyll, iboga root bark, wild oregano (OregaMax), neem extract. Avoid calcium supplements.

Boron can effectively remove accumulated fluoride. It naturally occurs in organic beets. The Homeopathic company Boiron also makes a completely safe Borax medicine. Or make a concentrated solution by dissolving 1/4 teaspoon or less of Borax in 1 liter of pure water. Start with a dose of 1 tablespoon per day mixed with drink or food, and continue with 1 to 2 doses daily. Keep out of reach of children.

Iodine (Lugol’s iodine solution) helps to remove fluoride from the pineal gland, and magnesium helps to flush out fluoride from your body. Iodine naturally occurs in seaweed. Zeolite (Zelite Pure) and black mica extract (Adya Clarity) are effective toxin removers.

Avoid fluoride in toothpastes to avoid further pineal gland calcification.

Yoga practices, including khechari mudra, help to awaken and decalcify your pineal body.

Sleep Cycles
Sleeping in the dark stimulates melatonin production in the pineal gland. Get an effective, comfortable eye mask and use it every night for deeper sleep and wellness.

Sun Gazing
Under the guidance of a qualified guru, build up slowly, starting with a few seconds, until you can gaze at the sun for a few minutes, during the first 15 minutes after sunrise and last 15 minutes before sunset. Do not attempt this without permission from your physician.

Essential Oils
Recommended oils include lavender, sandalwood, frankincense, parsley, davana, pine, pink lotus, and mugwort. These can be inhaled directly (except mugwort), burned in a diffuser or nebulizer, and added to bath water.

Meditation on the third eye will fill it with prana and increase its health and size.

Using affirmative prayer can help you decalcify your third eye.

For more detailed information and product recommendations to help you decalcify your third eye, please visit http:// decalcifypinealgland.com/how-to-decalcifythe- pineal-gland.

Reprinted with permission of the publisher, from Awaken Your Third Eye © 2012 Susan Shumsky. Published by New Page Books a division of Career Press, Wayne, NJ. 800-227- 3371. All rights reserved.


Susan ShumskyAwaken Your Third Eye by Susan Shumsky
Dr. Susan Shumsky
is the best-selling author of 11 books. A pioneer in the human potential field, she has spent more than 47 years teaching thousands of people meditation, prayer, affirmation, and intuition. Her book titles include Miracle Prayer, How to Hear the Voice of God, Ascension, Instant Healing, The Power of Auras and The Power of Chakras. Dr. Shumsky is a highly respected spiritual teacher and founder of Divine Revelation®. For 22 years, her mentor was Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, guru of the Beatles and Deepak Chopra. A sought-after media guest and acclaimed professional speaker, Dr. Shumsky has done over 650 speaking engagements and 700 media appearances. www.drsusan.org.