Live Your Highest Potential
by Salena Migeot • Southampton, NY
There are many who
have evolved to the
point that they can
now see, know, and experience
much that we have said
you would all be able to
As these ones are able to let go of the
current, very human tendencies to blame
others, feel shame, experience guilt,
resort to anger, hold onto unforgiveness,
diminish their own light through going
along with the status quo instead of
questioning incongruencies, they are
increasing their light more and more. As
this happens, others benefit from their
greater output of light and that resets the
energetic blueprint of others so that those
others are then able to recalibrate to the
new blueprint.
As this happens more and more, you will
all come into a greater sense of knowing
what is possible for you. You will be able
to let go of limiting beliefs more easily,
embrace higher vibrational energies
more consistently and expand your
personal lives in ways that seemed highly
improbable even a short year ago. You
will more readily let go of those habits,
thoughts, past-times, and so much more
that does not serve you. You will not be as
easily swayed by marketing campaigns or
misinformation designed to keep you from
reaching your greatest human potential.
Potential is a powerful word because its
root means power. So, what we are saying
is, you all have the ability to tap into your
own personal power more and more as
you embrace more light and eschew those things that at the core of your being, you
know do not serve you.
We invite each of you to dream the best
possible dream for yourselves, living at
your highest potential – not in terms of
societal values – in terms of your own
personal best: extreme wellness, optimal
agility, speed, flexibility, complete lack
of pain (physical, emotional, mental,
spiritual), agelessness, self-sustaining
energy and balance, perfect bodily
functions, clear thinking, perfect recall,
full memories, the ability to learn
anything you choose in a shorter time
than you could previously imagine, the
ability to communicate with any realm
you choose, if you choose, all psychic
abilities available to you as surely as the
ability to walk and talk, all handicaps
being healed, all disabilities becoming a
thing of the past, all desires that do not
serve your highest good being eliminated,
all desires for connection, upliftment,
purpose, validation, right livelihood, right
relationship, and any other soul satisfying
desire or need being met fully. This is what
is possible for you. This is your divine
birthright. Creator intended for you all to
live in peace, joy, harmony, abundance,
and most of all love.
The time of experiencing lack, limitation,
suffering, and pain is ending as you
recalibrate yourselves to the Christ
Consciousness reality of truly living in a
state of brotherhood and sisterhood with
all beings, conscious stewards of Mother
Earth and all of her resources, taking
nothing for granted, least of all each other.
The more you can embrace this through
each and every thought, word, and deed,
the sooner you will experience it as your
reality. It is not for you to leave it to
others. This is a collective effort. Each one
of you affects the whole more than you
can possibly know or understand. The more you live in oneness, the greater your
understanding will be. The greater your
understanding, the more powerfully you
will be able to achieve that reality.
Those who choose not to participate
are free to do so. They will simply
remain in a state of lack, limitation, and
disconnectedness. You are free will beings
after all. You each create your own destiny
and no one else is responsible for your
reality. You create exactly what you need
to experience your soul’s evolution. The
easiest way to evolve is to go with the flow.
If you resist, you make it more difficult
for yourselves. You can flow along with a
few turns and dips in the current or make
it much more difficult and strenuous
through your resistance.
Know that regardless of your choices,
you are surrounded by loving guides who
only want what is best for you. The more
you help yourself and go with the flow,
the more they can help you. If you are
resisting and fighting the current, that is
where you are focusing all your energy and
so you are missing their messages, their
guidance, their encouragement. When
you focus more on the flow – the ease, the synchronicities, the everyday magic
and miracles that occur all around you,
you become more open to receive more
love, support, guidance, blessings, and
opportunities. Go with the flow of love.
Love is the most powerful force in the
universe. Be love.
A channelled message from The Collective
of Guides
Salena Migeot is an Energy Medicine and
Reconnective Healing Practitioner. She
travels throughout the Northeast and to
Sedona, AZ, to do channeled readings at
psychic fairs, and is on the Board of Trustees
at Rowe Camp & Conference Center in the
Berkshire Mountains in Rowe, MA. Salena
channels “A Message from Your Guides”
every few weeks and e-mails them to an
ever-growing list of readers for free. If you
would like to be added to the list, e-mail her
at Salenam2@msn.com with “Guides” in the
subject line. To arrange a reading, you can
e-mail her or call her at 201-314-6960.