I must be willing to give up what I am in order to become what I will be. Albert Einstein Should you be up to the task, here is your lesson assignment for the Back to School Issue: To become more fully human – that is, to finally realize our greater capacity to express our humanity, in a word, being and acting truly humane. Penny Peirce expounds upon this in Part 1 of our very special article, Leap of Perception, “Your fundamental identity is evolving; you’re becoming a new kind of human … that old self-protective, dominating, isolated, ego-self—that small identity we’ve always assumed was part of being human—disappears and a much greater self rises. What was fear-based becomes love-based. What used to be separate convenes— head-heart, insideoutside world. Compassion becomes the main evolutionary force, a crucial part of the new consciousness that ensures success and planetary survival.” Compassion for all sentient beings was the hallmark of the Long Island Animal Rights & VegFest, held this July. Sponsored in part by Creations Magazine, our staffer, Erica Settino (founder/director of Karuna for Animals) created the event. One of the many highlights of the day was a deeply moving presentation by Jennifer Greene, Director of Task Forces, Carnism Awareness & Action Network (CAAN). The presentation was based on Dr. Melanie Joy’s book, Why We Love Dogs, Eat Pigs and Wear Cows (excerpted in Creations Magazine June-July 2012). Carnism, (a term coined by Dr. Joy), is the invisible belief system that conditions people to eat certain animals. As a social norm, it is so entrenched that it can blind us to the contradiction inherent in the notion of “humane meat.” Many humans love and nurture certain animals (pets), while simultaneously justifying the torture of other animals (they call dinner) being kept in absolutely gruesome farm factories. So, asks Jennifer Greene, “Here’s a question that can help us step outside the carnistic box: how would you feel about a perfectly healthy golden retriever being killed, simply because people like how she tastes? I do see signs every day that we are succeeding in pulling the curtain back on carnism, as there is greater awareness about what happens to the animals who are used for food. But what about the dairy, eggs, or meat that are marketed as somehow better for the animals? If someone is interested in those products, I recognize that they are showing concern for animals, which is commendable. But I would also implore them to reflect more deeply on their choices. People are often surprised to learn that violence is an inescapable part of egg and dairy production – even “organic,” “free-range,” or “certified humane” products.” Incidentally, the number of land animals killed in the US, according to USDA data (http://www.humanesociety.org/news/ resources/research/stats_slaughter_totals. html) is 17,121 animals per minute – nearly 9 billion annually. If aquatic animals were included, this number could be quintupled. For more information view: CAAN’s website: http://carnism.org/ Dr. Joy’s “Introduction to Carnism” presentation: http://www.carnism. org/carnism-presentation-video) and Mercy for Animals video: http://www. mercyforanimals.org/farm-to-fridge. aspx/. While the images in this last one are horrific, the animal’s excruciating physical pain and emotional suffering are very real. I know most of you don’t want to acknowledge this, but we ALL contribute to this rampant violence with our food and clothing choices. Finally, please watch this video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NX4O6smZrLE Perhaps the wisdom of a very young child, Luiz Antonio, will help us ace our assignment to become more humane.
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