Our early summer edition focuses on prosperity, abundance, fathers and men. The dandelions on my lawn have already completed their spring life cycle, appearing for a while and vanishing without a trace. I’ll never understand why most people feel the compulsion to obliterate them – while in the process, they ignore the fact that they are poisoning themselves, their children, their pets and everyone and everything else in the environment. Each year I welcome these pretty yellow flowers that contrast so nicely against the grass-green background. Like other Spring transients, I know their stay will be fleeting; once they (and we) have enjoyed their time in the sun, they retreat of their own accord, without the threat of chemical assault. But for us, the most fascinating aspect of dandelions is the widely varying heights they grow depending upon their location on and around my lawn. What Andrea and I observe every year, is that the dandelions which grow on the periphery of the lawn (flower/vegetable beds, cracks in the patio, etc.) that does not get mowed, always grow much taller than the ones that grow in the mowing area. Without exception, all of the dandelions that grow on the lawn area that does get mowed, remain very close to the ground, lower than the height of the grass. These dandelions are growing tall where they are “protected” from the lawn mower and lay low where the grass is regularly cut. So where am I going with this? Well, we cannot conveniently dismiss this phenomenon as mere happenstance. No, after observing this scenario play out for several years in two different homes, it is readily apparent to us that there is an Intelligence guiding these dandelion’s growing habits – an Intelligence that governs the entire Universe. The very same Intelligence that keeps the planets in orbit, nurtures our little yellow “friends”. These dandelions have learned to adjust their height based on their location, giving them their greatest chance for survival. And another interesting tidbit: when the dandelions go to seed, their stems shoot above the blades of grass. They know their job is to head skyward and disperse their seeds far and wide, so at this point their attitude regarding the mower is “let ’er rip!” Who and what is this Intelligence? Regardless of the name you give this energy (Mother Nature, God, Creator, Source, etc.), it is a most benevolent force that will provide for all our needs — if we will simply allow it. Abundance, health, happiness, prosperity and ease is our true nature. “Going with the flow” comes to mind here. When we block this flow, we become our own worst enemy. I believe the Universe is not only based on love, but is Love, itself. We need to learn to allow the love of the Universe to heal, nurture and provide for us.
This June-July Issue marks the 150th issue of Creations Magazine, and Andrea and I are beginning our 9th year as the publishers/editors; significant because we have now been running this publication for roughly one third of it’s to-date, 27 year prosperous existence.
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