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Talking Our Walk

Spring is the time of year when Nature awakens from its long winter slumber, just as Humanity is finally awakening from our collective unconsciousness.

Siobhan Ciresi explains in our lead article, that we have all been born into and programmed to live by, deeply ingrained paradigms and concepts. Government, Banking, Economics, Education, Science, Medicine and Religion have been forever controlled by the ruling elite. Our lives, thoughts and beliefs have been systematically molded and manipulated by these very institutions. Thankfully, folks everywhere are relying on their innate intelligence and intuition, discerning whether these establishments are serving humanity or keeping us down.

This past March, I attended a high school talent show that my stepson was performing in. The purpose of the show was to raise money for the American Cancer Association’s Relay for Life. A long table of snacks and drinks were available for purchase, however, not one item, with the possible exception of bottled water, was fit for consumption. EVERY snack and drink contained loads of refined sugar, artificial colors (derived from petroleum and coal tar dyes), artificial flavors along with GMO’s (genetically modified organisms), which all contribute to cancer! I “relayed” this bit of irony to the volunteer parent manning the table. With a focus on “finding the cure” some of the obvious “causes” were not only completely ignored but were being sold to adults and children as “food”.

Concurrently, let us not lose sight of the issue that Dr. Jesse Stoff addresses in Killing Cancer – or Us? “More than 40 years after the “war on cancer” was declared, the National Institute of Cancer has spent well over $90 billion on research and treatment, and still 23% of the adult population will die of the disease – a statistic that has remained essentially unchanged.” As a personal aside, my mom lived 25 years after her lung cancer diagnosis, because she refused chemotherapy. The oncologist’s “success story” administering this arsenal of toxic drugs, was “5% of lung cancer patients survived up to 5 years.” We graciously declined his offer.

In A Better, Freer Life, Alan Cohen writes that our true identity has been kept secret from us. “You have been told that you are a very limited human being, confined to the boundaries of your body and a very small world, prescribed by fear.” But this needn’t be our fate: we can all “lead the world from the slavery of fear, to the Promised Land of inner peace.”

Please make sure to read our Film Reviews by Mark Maxwell Abushady. These films recount heroic actions by ordinary citizens (20 some-things and a Homeowners Association of housewives/mothers) turned activists. Truly inspiring and uplifting, confirming that we the people can and do make a positive difference – when we wake up!

On Saturday, April 6th, Creations Magazine is sponsoring the 5th Annual Psychic and Holistic Living Fair, at Gurney’s Resort Inn and Spa, overlooking the Atlantic Ocean, in Montauk, LI. This fun event is 9:30AM – 4:30PM and day guests are welcome to come for the Fair only, for $5.00.

In Peace & Gratitude,
Neil & Andrea


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