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Killer Fish: Time to rethink the “Health Benefits”
Brian Clement, PhD, NMD, LN • Florida


earth in shape of a heartMyths abound when it comes to fish. Several years ago, the frightening news that there will no longer be fish in the ocean as we know it by mid-century and the effective job that the fish industry has done in convincing the masses that their products are health foods, impelled me to write Killer Fish.

A long legacy of people who have contracted disease by consuming aquatic life is my core impetus in offering the truth about this vital subject. Most people are looking for a way to compromise and to not take the essential steps to adopt a totally healthsupporting lifestyle. There is no longer time left for moderation. We must each understand the enormity of problems we face so that we can take definitive steps in resolving our own damaging issues.

There are three central reasons why one should not be eating fish and other aquatic life: First, is the fact that these creatures harbor saturated fats and diseasecausing elements derived from the way we prepare them for consumption. Next, is the fact that each of these creatures are filled with our industrial waste (chemicals, heavy metals, etc.) and the globally scattered radiation from our endless wars and faulty nuclear energy endeavors. Last but not least are the multitude of parasites and amoebas that water-based creatures contain, which are passed to those unfortunate individuals who eat them. This trio of reasons should be enough for a rational person to break the bonds of mainstream thinking. The fact that we are close to turning our global oceans into stagnant ponds is reason enough to stop even the most avid consumer of sea animals from continuing on their path of savagery.

The handful of studies that point to fish as a heart-healthy food are overshadowed by many studies that prove their consumption actually severely increases the chances of heart attacks and strokes. As far back as 2004, Annals of Internal Medicine stated, “Americans have heard less about, and have paid less attention to, various health warnings associated with fish consumption. Studies have linked over-consumption of certain popular fish to neurological deficits, cancer, auto-immune and endocrine disorders, and, in addition, heart disease.”

Bio-magnification occurs when several slightly contaminated fish are eaten by a larger fish, who in turn is eaten by an even larger fish (or a human). This most often increases the chemical saturation of their bodies by hundreds, if not thousands, of times. Testing has also shown that so-called farm raised fish have significantly higher levels of toxins (both biological and man-made) than fish found in nature. This is because of the common practice of grinding up and dehydrating wild fish that contain these poisonous substances. When the farm raised fish consumed these pellets, they endure a much higher level of toxic uptake. (It takes about five pounds of wild fish in the form of feed to produce one pound of farmed fish for human consumption.)

Sushi has become a mainstay in the western diet. In its original form, in ancient Asia, it went through a fermentation process that alleviated the massive parasite problem and less frequent amoeba problem. Wasabi’s original form was antimicrobial, which destroyed most of the pathogens and life forms in the raw flesh. A 2008 investigative report in the New York Times highlighted the extreme mercury contamination of sushi in some of the most popular Japanese restaurants in the Northeast U.S. Just two years ago, a prestigious biology journal stated that tuna, the most commonly consumed fish, creates neurological, sensory motor and cardiovascular problems. The rising popularity of fish (raw and otherwise) is another example of marketing dollars overtaking the science and facts that prevail about this untenable “food.”

Pharmaceutical drugs are yet another added attraction among the plethora of concerns surrounding fish consumption. U.S. Geological Survey studies have shown that water waste treatment plants cannot remove drugs before releasing “purified” water back into the environment. Due to these pollutants, 80% of the fish caught in rivers and tributaries throughout North America were found to contain significant amounts of pharmaceutical drugs. As far back as 1996, the U.S. Congress ordered the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to develop a screening program for identifying the chemicals that cause fish abnormalities. Nearly two decades later, the EPA has yet to test a single chemical.

Omega-3 has become synonymous with fish oil, yet there is clear evidence that the consumption of fish oil causes disease and this product does not offer the touted health benefits. As time passes, science mounts, showing that many fish species harbor dangerous fatty acid combinations. There is often an 11/1 ratio of omega-6/ omega-3 in some of the most commonly consumed fish versus the optimum 1/3 level found in plant-based sources. The unhealthy fatty acid ratio found in many common fish precipitates higher levels of cardiovascular disease for those who consistently eat these “fishy foods.”

The unhealthy aspects of fish are even worse when the oil is removed from the fish, then chemicalized and deodorized before encapsulation or bottling. This is why Michigan State University linked higher rates of colon cancer in the population of people consuming fish oil.

Another common myth is that fish oil slows mental decline. A study from the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) reports that there was no benefit derived by a group consuming fish oil since their cognitive function did not correct mild to moderate Alzheimer’s Disease.

With our busy lives, we understandably hope that health authorities, researchers and governmental scientists keep us informed as to what is best to eat. Unfortunately, the loudest voice is that of corporate interests whose sole objective is to sell you their products. Science has been hijacked by these interests, and the majority of so-called research is merely a marketing ploy. We bring you the unabridged truth. Now it is up to you to determine if you have enough respect for yourself, your loved ones and your friends to make the right move and abolish the use of fish and other water-based creatures from your diet.


Excerpted from the new book Killer Fish by Brian Clement, PhD, NMD, LN, Director of Hippocrates Health Institute. Reprinted with permission from
Healing Our World magazine, a free publication. Subscribe today at www.hhisubscription.org/intro.html or by calling (561) 471-8876.