Open Hearts: Portal to Ascension
Within those spoken words and close proximity of form there is communion. It is an expression of our divinity circling between hearts gaining momentum and power. There among us, the vortex of truth pulls out our experience and perceptions to resonate their energies and be witnessed and embraced. You are the bravest of the brave. You dare speak of what others often fear. Now is the time of the gathering, now is the time of releasing. What has been hidden will sing its song and will topple the fear-based paradigms of life. You and I have always known we are not what we merely appear to be. Life here on earth is not as it seems. Our tribulations have prepared us for this moment. I can see the loving wisdom in every painful experience I have endured. Can we be grateful to our tormentors, can we love them as they nail us to our crosses? To be any other way is to separate from who we truly are. Our fear empowers them, our anger poisons us, but love washes away the darkness of all. With this humble thought we shall be fearless in reality's transition, for we know, that all that falls away was but an elaborate illusion. |