The fact that everything in nature is energy was known long before Albert Einstein articulated it. Ancient cultures also knew that everything is sound, oscillation, and rhythm, and that our body consists of color and light. The apparently solid parts are merely a form of intensive illusion—a lucid dream. Physicists discovered some time ago that each individual cell gives off light, and that it is possible to make this light visible. Further, it changes when the condition of the cell changes. The long-term scientific world view is both sad and meaningless, as it has done little to incorporate Einstein’s realization into the education of health professionals. Medical schools are extremely reluctant to accept that the body houses feelings, thoughts, and instincts that all play a big role where illness is concerned. It is even rarer to hear medical professionals acknowledge that thoughts and feelings also heal, let alone see them engage in the ongoing development of such methods. Yet we have all experienced this firsthand. How do we feel when we are in love? We are ready to take on anything! Do you know anyone who became ill in the midst of falling in love? How do we feel when we are depressed, suffer from stress, or are desperate? What had cooled in our soul the last time we caught a cold? We know all the connections and do not need textbooks to verify them. They tell us only one thing: health is a matter of many various energies and connections. “Strange” things happen in nature. They have all been proven scientifically and can be easily duplicated, but they cannot all be explained with modern methods:
Take a few minutes to think about these examples. Ask yourself in each case how the information might have been transmitted. What is the common denominator? The answer is that we are beings of light—every living thing is. The electric processes of our body determine to the highest degree who we are, how our bodies work, and how they communicate with our immediate environments, the world, and the universe at large. The preceding excerpt is from the new book THE CODE: Unlocking the Ancient Power of Your Birthday by Johanna Paungger and Thomas Poppe and is reprinted with permission of Atria Books/Beyond Words © 2011