Transforming from Within
Living in a time of significant change can be challenging and unsettling. Currently a great deal of information is circulating via the media and internet expounding the end of life and reality as we know it. These predictions are generally depicted as inevitable outcomes.
Despite these predictions many individuals worldwide know that humanity and Earth are gradually moving into a time of global peace. This change is a process that humanity creates and experiences along the way, as there is a shift out of an outdated paradigm into one that supports peace, love, community and unity. Cayce (1877-1945) was alive he channeled that the biggest change of all would be one of inner transformation. What did he mean by this? How would it happen? Currently we are experiencing an evolutionary shift. According to Cayce we are evolving rapidly. This is due to the fact that the human DNA is shifting from two to twelve strand functioning, and possibly even beyond. Functioning at the higher DNA levels brings about change in everything relating to physical, mental, emotional and spiritual functioning. As the DNA changes there is more light (bio photon particles) stored in our bodies. This results in changes to the frequency at which we vibrate. As the vibration shifts to higher levels then everything rapidly changes within reality. In the information he provides from beyond the veil Cayce has explained in simple and do-able terms just what this shift entails. He is emphatic about the changes involved in this process of inner transformation. They include:
The teachings of Cayce from beyond the veil are extensive. He reminds us that as courageous souls we have chosen to be here, at this juncture in Earth's history, to participate in this great shift of the ages. Cayce gently reminds us of our responsibility in this regard. He responds firmly, and often with humor, to questions from audiences. Below is a typical question and response relating to the process of inner transformation. "Q: My understanding is that we should be taking a positive outlook and not be negative. This way we raise the vibration as opposed to the other way. A: It is by looking at the positive in everything. Some may say when you do this you are ignoring reality. Let me ask, "What is reality?' Reality is different for each individual. Each individual manifests reality according to the ability to create through thought. Even in the midst of disaster and tragedy there are those who are uplifted because they understand reality creation is an individual process, that you make of any situation what you choose.
As you view the positive in life your vibration shifts – and you support others in shifting theirs. It is about placing forth the energy and vibration of acceptance that life is what it is. In order to feel love sometimes humans choose to experience suffering. How can you know love if you haven't experienced the opposite?
Q: You are saying, no matter what you are going through, you can change your perception? Change can only transpire due to your diligence and application. That diligence and application only arises once you have the awareness of what needs to change. You only have the awareness of what needs to change once you go within into the silence and into reflection. It is a process. Begin it and you will begin to see and feel the changes. © Bente Hansen, November 2011