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Talking Our Walk
From the Editors

They drew a circle that shut me out
Heretic, rebel, a thing to flout
But love and I had the wit to win.
We drew a circle that took them in.

~ Edwin Markham

The DailyOM tells us that the most important relationship we experience in our lives – and probably the most difficult to reconcile -- is with ourselves. Being willing to know and love ourselves allows us the ability to attract and choose the right people for us.

Relationships are always a hot topic. Indeed, our Relationship Issue is the most popular of our editorial calendar. When talking relationships our first thoughts usually jump to the intimate variety. On that subject, Linda Marks encourages us Towards an Integrated Sexuality. We need to learn to unite our sexuality with spirituality, to express ourselves and connect with others, both physically and energetically.

Relationships, however, do come in an assortment of packages. Patricia Crane provides us with a relationship primer (Relationships 101), whether we’re dealing with a lover, friend, relative or business associate.

Sant Kirpal Singh has stated, “Love and gratitude is a frequency and the greatest power in creation.” Holding a frequency of gratitude, keeps us in the present, further increasing our power and ability to create.

I am in the process of learning that when I maintain an attitude and feeling of gratitude a profound inner transformation occurs. Incredibly, this further continues to manifest in my physical world. This just thrills the heck out of me and I can’t help sharing my wonderful new discovery. But, not everyone shares my enthusiasm. Recently, a family member derisively informed me, “You haven’t cornered the market on wisdom.” And of course he is correct. However, I am inching closer towards “cornering the market” on my self-wisdom. And deepening this relationship with myself is my life’s priority. I must first fully know myself, if I am to authentically present myself to the world.

Religion and exclusivity have long been synonymous. It’s the “my God is better than your God syndrome.” If my religion is the one true religion, then yours is wrong and you are damned to Hell for all eternity. Well this just makes for one hell of a God, doesn’t it? Sorry, no one group has cornered the market on “Truth.” Divine love is universal, embracing the unity of the human race. Daniel O’Rourke characterizes Exclusivity as sinful. He’s being charitable: countless conflicts have been, and continue to be waged “in God’s name.”

Jackie Lapin has written that on a global scale a more equitable balancing of the Feminine and Masculine energies can create a World of Difference. Who could honestly disagree that the present, dominating masculine energies of competition and force need to be tempered by the feminine energies of conciliation and cooperation?

Marc Allen suggests that only by working in partnership will we be able to solve our global problems. Ultimately, partnership is far more powerful and effective than domination and exploitation. Sounds right to me.
Competition has worn out it usefulness. Now is the time for ALL of us to create together.

In Peace and Gratitude,