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The Mayan Science: Evolving Beyond Matter and Technology
by Jose Arguelles • Brightwood, OR

The Mayan science is based on principles of resonance. Our science, as originated in the seventeenth century, is based on matter—that matter is the ultimate reality and that it’s the ultimate knowable reality.

Modern science, however, has come to places where this is no longer clear and has gotten much closer to where Mayan science begins. Mayan science assumes that the key factors in universal operations are factors of resonance—vibratory cycles, or vibratory waves. These waves reach certain condensation points and become matter—atoms, subatomic particles, and so on. But the underlying nature of reality is vibration, resonance.

Resonance is a quality. The word “resonance” means “to sound again, to reverberate.” Some type of medium allows vibrational signals to pass from a transmitter to a receiver. The vibrational signal is a frequency of some kind. In the Mayan perspective, all of reality is constructed of different levels of frequency.

One other key difference between Mayan science and modern science is that modern science generally assumes that the only knowable reality is the world of matter that we experience through our senses; it does not admit that there could be other realities, other dimensions coexisting with this reality. The properties of resonance that allow for the beginning understanding of other coexisting dimensions lie in the concept of the overtone, for instance. Every tone has a vibratory quality as well as overtones. The overtones occur in many different octaves, although in our reality we only hear one tone. This reality that we experience right now as we’re sitting right here and listening or talking is one tone, but at the same time, there exists within it different overtones. These different overtones are keys to different coexisting dimensions—the different dimensions of reality that coexist with the one that we usually assume to be the only real one.

Applying Resonance to the Path Beyond Technology

Everything is in resonance. Let’s begin with that principle. It really does take a radical shift to accept the implications of this principle completely. If everything is in resonance, ultimately, everything is in some kind of condition of harmony. There are different shifts, different waves, and particular cycles that dissolve and others that begin, but basically, there’s a harmonic structure to all reality.

If everything is in resonance, what does that mean to us? It means that we are in resonance with the environment. It means that we are in resonance with the planet. It means that we are in resonance with the sun. As we know, the activity of our brain is measurable in different brain wave cycles and different frequencies. For instance, we know that the alpha frequency of our brain waves corresponds to the basic resonance of the planet, 7.5 hertz, megacycles—a very interesting illustration of resonance.

This opens the doors to possibilities that our present state of mind, our present science, our attachment to it and the states of mind that are created by it do not allow. Through matching our own resonances and frequencies with key environmental resonances and frequencies, we can begin to see how we could draw energy from the environment directly—directly through the medium of our own bodies. This is a radical thought.

If we look around in nature, it’s very interesting to note that we’re the only creatures who use outhouses. We’re the only creatures with insulation, clothes, and so on. All the other creatures are able to coexist with nature; they’re able to moderate their body temperatures with the environment, and so on. It could be that we have the same ability, but we’re not asking the right questions, or even worse, we’ve accepted the wrong answers and are not utilizing the full resonant receptive capacity of our being to establish the proper kind of environmental harmony.

One of the most radical aspects about my book The Mayan Factor is that it posits the possibility that our technology is really no longer necessary. If you look at this from a total planetary point of view, we have entered a very dangerous moment because, in the last several hundred years, we have created a civilization that is reliant on fossil fuels and different types of metals, precious minerals, bare metals, and so on, that are taken out of the Earth. What has happened in our technological episode, on this spaceship we call Earth, is that we have virtually used up all of our spaceship’s energy stores.

Even if we say we’ve got oil to last another 40 years, that’s not very farsighted. What happens after that? The issue really is, “We shouldn’t use up any more of the energy stores.” Certain energy stores accumulate, and when you need them, you can draw on them. But you don’t deplete them in one big technological binge. This is exactly what we have done. The path beyond technology is an absolutely necessary path for us to take. During the time that we have been depleting the energy stores of spaceship Earth, we have also succumbed to a one-dimensional view of reality. In this one-dimensional view of reality, the circuits of our belief systems have been turned upside down. The mainstream, mass mind-set believes that the use of fossil fuels and chemicals, which produce incredible pollution, is superior to the use of solar energy. We believe that. In the technological binge, we’ve become completely intoxicated, one-dimensional, or amnesiac. We believe that the dark is better than the light.

2012: Time to Wake Up

We must wake up. Right now, we live in a world where human consciousness basically is a function of what we call “mass mind.” The mass mind is controlled and manipulated by—and believes in—governments and the whole range of institutions that are the key factors in modern life. Governments, institutions, and the mass media continuously put out information of a negative nature, negative energy, so that mass mind thrives on negative energy. Governments and institutions support this creation of negativity, and so humanity as a whole is in the grip of a very bad type of cultural hypnosis or civilizational trance. We have created such an imbalance through our technological binge, depletion of resources, and pollution of the planet that we must wake up if we want to continue enjoying the planet. Our waking up will mean that we actually see that technology can’t help us and that we have to go beyond it.

We’re precisely at the point in time where the difference between a considerable number of us waking up and taking command, and not waking up, is the difference between the planet going into self-destruction and the planet continuing on its evolutionary path. To continue with the image of spaceship Earth, although we have used up the reserve energy supplies, we still have the central source, the sun, and our own very sophisticated bio-psychic instrumentation, our human bodies. In terms of spaceship Earth, the wrong crew is in command, and it’s time for a mutiny.

Excerpted from The Mystery of 2012 Predictions, Prophecies, and Possibilities with permission, Sounds True, Inc © 2007.

Author of
The Mayan Factor, and one of the popular leaders in the field of modern Mayan calendar predictions, Jose Arguelles has long been an inspiration for many of those that look to the calendar and 2012 for guidance.