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Creations Astrology
with Swami Anand Sudhir


ARIES (Mar 21 – Apr 20)
The journey of emotional engagement
is getting stronger and deeper. The invitation that you sent out to the ether is coming back with interest. Any walls that you might have been hiding behind come tumbling down. Total involvement is a powerfully beautiful thing.

TAURUS (Apr 21 – May 20)
Before you can settle down into your most effortless natural rhythm, anything that you have been putting on the back burner, will have to be brought up to the front and lived out. Clear the decks of creative projects and performances. Do what you have been putting off.

GEMINI (May 21 – June 21)
A gentle sensitive feeling that has been flickering away in solitude, makes a spectacular exit from seclusion. The world is about to discover that which has been undiscovered. That secret little bit of you that has felt alienated, is ready to come home to roost.

CANCER (June 22 – Jul 22)
Feelings that have been convoluted, find the lightness that they have been missing. If you have been forgetting your laughter, remember it again. The more chuckles that you notice in your day, the more you know that you are coming home. Return from exile.

LEO (Jul 23 – Aug 22)
Balance comes by remembering that the beauty present in the ordinary rituals that make up your day, is sacred. There really is no need to do anything special, other than be utterly present to what you are already doing. Life is inviting you to delight in the mundane.

VIRGO (Aug 23 – Sept 22)
There is an infinite possibility of depth to be explored in the presence of your own heart. Have you ever simply felt that place in your chest, minus any preconceived ideas of what you might find? Try it. Start with the sensation. You may end with it being your guide.

LIBRA (Sept 23 – Oct 23)
Life is not going to make it hard for you. It will keep taking you back to that place that is comfortable, safe and strengthening. Though the cycles of change might be long, they are true. Difficulties never fail to create the possibility for you to discover greater joy.

SCORPIO (Oct 24 – Nov 21)
There is no going backwards. Your journey simply doesn't have a reverse gear. You are the product of decisions that you have made, choices that you have taken. The future is the flower of now. Be vulnerable to all the raw material that you have. It is what will turn to gold.

SAGITTARIUS (Nov 22 – Dec 21)
Life really does take care. It doesn't take care of our egos, that’s for sure. It loves us much more than that. Ego is the shell that has to break – but only when the chicken is ready to hatch. Perhaps you are more ready than you think. It is up to you to discover significance.

CAPRICORN (Dec 22 – Jan 19)
A subtle but very strong shift is taking place. You are settling into a place of ease and comfort after a time of significant testing. That which is true in you is never broken. It is always eventually affirmed. Along the way it is tempered. Wisdom is in the wind.

AQUARIUS (Jan 20 – Feb 18)
It is time to turn around. Introspection has done it's work. Gazing inward has come to a point where it can't go any further. To stay creative there is no option but a change of tack. All you have to do is follow the cues. Accept your next invitation to dance.

PISCES (Feb 19 – Mar 20)
Solitude is an enigmatic thing. It can be the place of greatest sorrow and it can be the place of greatest bliss. The most profound experience of the depth of your soul, is really only accessible to you. Carry the honor of that with grace. It is authenticity, truth and fidelity.

Sudhir is an astrologer and writer specializing in an experiential form of astrology that makes it digestible for both devotees and skeptics. He offers Experiential Astrology Workshops on request. Visit his new website: www.sudhirastrology.com or contact him at: blisswisdom@yahoo.com.au