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HOW TO GET SICK: A Modern Prescription for Illness
by Jordan S. Rubin, N.M.D., Ph.D. South Florida

We all carry genetic weaknesses and are constantly bombarded by potentially harmful bacteria, viruses, fungi and industrial toxins. If we eat unhealthy foods and adopt unwise lifestyles, we may well see these weaknesses present themselves as devastating symptoms. Below is a list of danger areas that may threaten our long-term health. If you want to “get sick,” follow these recommendations of the “world” and you will achieve just that. If you would like to remain healthy, go against these suggestions if at all possible.

1. Stay out of the sun
Civilizations throughout history have understood that the sun is vital to human health. Critics claim that exposure to the UV rays of the sun cause higher rates of melanoma and other forms of skin cancer. This might be true for a small population segment—those with compromised immune systems who don’t consume adequate nutrients (especially healthy fats). However, the people who actually get the most exposure to sunlight in different parts of the world exhibit the lowest incidence of skin cancer. Rex Russell, M.D. notes that when sunlight activates the phytochemicals in healthy foods, consumption of these foods not only blocks the harmful effects of UV rays, but they also produce “antiviral, antibacterial, and anticancer components, as well as pest repellents.”

2. Go to bed after midnight
Dr. Joseph Mercola states that, “The more hours that you can sleep before midnight, the better off you will be.” Chronic sleep loss produces serious symptoms mimicking the effects of aging and the early stages of diabetes. According to the late Elmer Josephson, “Authorities tell us that one hour of sleep before midnight is equivalent to four hours afterward.”

3. Never let them see you sweat
Any attempt to artificially prevent perspiration is very unhealthy because perspiration is the Maker’s method of safely cooling the body while excreting numerous toxins.

4. Use fluoride toothpaste and mouthwash, and drink fluoridated water
Fluoride is extremely poisonous—especially the salt-based form used in toothpaste and mouthwash.

5. Use artificial sweeteners
As bad as sugar can be in its various forms, artificial sweeteners are worse! Diabetes expert Dr. H.J. Roberts believes there is a clear scientific link between aspartame and increased incidence of brain tumors, seizure disorders, chronic headaches, and hyperactivity in children.

6. Don’t breast feed your baby
Mothers, consider breastfeeding your children if you don’t want them to risk the trauma of numerous childhood diseases. Breastfeeding will reduce your risk of breast cancer by 25 percent, and may lower the risk of postpartum depression.

7. Get tattoos
Body piercing and tattoos can easily introduce potentially deadly infections and toxic foreign substances into the body and bloodstream. Even tiny puncture wounds might block important electrical nerve impulses just under the skin.

8. Get all of your immunization shots
Despite massive media and government public relations campaigns to the contrary, certain childhood immunization injections may pose considerable risks to children. An epidemic of juvenile autism and other neurological and developmental disorders sweeping through America’s school-age children generally coincides with the introduction of certain mandatory immunizations. A growing body of scientific and medical research appears to link this dangerous health trend to these childhood immunizations.

9. Use a lot of skin care products, cosmetics, hair care products, nail care products, shampoos, soaps, perfumes, shaving cream, suntan lotion and "antibacterial soaps”
Hair-coloring products, particularly brown and black hair products, are associated with increased incidence of Hodgkin’s lymphoma, Multiple myeloma, Hodgkin’s disease and 20 percent of all non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma! The fragrance industry routinely uses 884 toxic substances. As for shampoos, many of the most common ingredients break down into formaldehyde.

10. Take lots of medications
Every medicine has a side effect. Much of the prescription activity in the U.S. perpetuates health problems by treating symptoms rather than their root causes. Medications such as antibiotics, oral contraceptives, and corticosteroids may cause major problems with the gastrointestinal terrain, damage the immune system, cause liver problems, and alter enzyme function.

11. Do aerobic exercise
High-intensity aerobic exercise producing a very high elevated heart rate for long periods of time through vigorous exercise such as jogging or running on hard surfaces is essentially unnatural to the body and may lower immune response.

12. Breathe with shallow breaths
The body (and the brain and nervous system in particular) thrives on abundant oxygen. Proper breathing relieves stress and lowers blood pressure.

13. Swallow your food without chewing well (or at all)
Chewing is extremely important to proper digestion. The chewing reflex signals the body to release saliva containing the salivary enzyme ptyalin, a form of amylase, which begins to break down carbohydrates. Parotid glands behind the ears signal the thymus gland to produce T-cells just in case the food contains toxins or pathogens. The ultimate goal of the process is to deliver food to the stomach in a liquid state.

14. Eat grocery store produce and processed foods treated with pesticides, herbicides, animal growth hormones, and antibiotics; don’t forget hybridized, irradiated, and genetically altered foods.
Pesticides and herbicides comprise one of the world’s most deadly classes of chemical compounds. If a pesticide or herbicide kills one thing, it will probably kill, mutate, or seriously damage a whole host of other things.

15. Visit your medical doctor often
According to the Journal of the American Medical Associaion, doctors are the third leading cause of death in the U.S., causing 250,000 deaths every year. Most doctors are sincere, hard-working professionals who try to do their jobs well. However, American healthcare has skewed its entire care system toward dispensing “health” out of a drug container.

Many Americans have filled every one of these prescriptions for illness. Their bodies struggle to overcome an unbearable toxic load. If the day comes when you are stricken with chronic sickness and pain, a desperate search for health will begin. Perhaps my advice might help you avoid such a day, but the choice is up to you.

Used with permission from The Maker’s Diet pgs. 83-94, by Jordan S. Rubin, published by Siloam, A Strang Company ©2004, www.siloam.com