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by Allen David, • New York City

What is inspiration? An elusive something all of us want to have. The clue is in the first syllable, “IN.”

We look outside ourselves to find answers for our problems, fulfillment and happiness and end up without solutions. Bombarded by exterior influences in every aspect of our lives, we make choices that do not release our inner yearnings. Our world moulds our thoughts and desires with every passing day, extinguishing the spark within which longs to be expressed. We have lost our way and use achievement to impress the external world in an effort to forget what we truly yearn for.

How does one discover one’s true self? We have no choice but to look into our hearts. The mind and brain are powerful forces that often cloak the truth. Only the heart can show the way, wanting to be heard with every heartbeat, to lead us on a path too difficult for the Ego to follow. The brain and mind are often the winners in this ceaseless struggle. The emptiness that follows this victory over the heart can be devastating. With strength and courage we can turn that outward journey inwards and heal, become inspired and free.

Allen David is a Painter and Glass Sculptor. His commissioned sculpture is in public squares in Melbourne, London and Tel-Aviv. His articles have been published by the Theosophical Society in Pasadena (email: tupress@theosociety.org). For information on his sculpture and paintings contact: Saltine38@aol.com.