by Allen David New York City
I never set out to make a bad painting. Yet I often paint inferior works,
then struggle to turn the many wasted hours of labor into something worthwhile.
I never keep those works.
Sometimes a really fine work appears. During its creation I am not there,
but become merely a channel. The image used whatever skill I possess to
emerge on the canvas. I had very little to do with its making. The painting
used the hand and eye to take form and fill that overwhelming blank space
we call the canvas.
I have been asked why I paint Suns. I dont know. After so many years
I have been persuaded to write a few lines.
My paintings of blue and green suns, comets and stars, and exploding suns
imbedded in skies of different colors, help me to dream of another world.
Our blue planet seen from space awakens the realization, that we are part
of a galaxy of glowing light, with stars, planets and our earth, all subject
to the laws of the Universe and part of the Cosmic Dance.
A single star our Sun, turns the dark sky blue. Its radiance controls
life on Earth. All the powerful moods and fury of nature which sweep our
Earth, stem from inner causes within our Earth & Sun, just as our
own human journey of failure and success, hope and despair are the result
of inner longings and emotions.
I wonder about the stars and planets, mysterious and unseen, shinning
with light and color beyond imagination, flowing with a richness of Life,
yet subject to the same laws that bind the Universe together.
We on earth are like the stars, locked in an embrace with space and finally
released into that deep sleep, and like the stars return to shine again.
Allen David is a Painter and Glass Sculptor. His commissioned sculpture
is in public squares in Melbourne, London and Tel-Aviv. His articles have
been published by the Theosophical Society in Pasadena (email: tupress@theosociety.org).
For information on his sculpture and paintings contact: Saltine38@aol.com.