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Talking Our Walk
From the Editors

“Love is but a song we sing…Fear’s the way we die”
– The Young Bloods.

This issue asks the not so simple question, “Whose Shoes Do You Fill?” Do you walk in your own shoes or someone else’s? Are you walking your walk? Are you living your life in accordance with your true nature? Or are you living according to someone else’s expectations? Someone else’s idea of who you are (following in Dad’s footsteps, the family business, etc.).

Whose Thoughts Are They? inquires Jean Claude Koven. He contends that the external world moulds our thoughts, desires and values and that consciously or unconsciously, “the majority of us are not who we’re pretending to be.”

Does your daily life evoke passion? Whether it involves business or relationships, Alan Cohen has The Passion Solution. Where your passion lives, your life force flows.

When we choose work that is purposeful and meaningful, we enhance our own life while Enriching the Lives of Many. In his excerpt, Ideals At Work, Dave Smith claims that it takes both personal growth and social involvement for us to achieve fulfillment.

Our intuition/higher self, will always let us know if we are on the right track. However, our old four-lettered foe– FEAR--often drowns out our inner voice.

Gabriel Cousens asks the question, Are You Eating Enough Protein? He states that misguided beliefs concerning adequate protein intake, generate the biggest fear among pro-meat eaters and new vegetarians.

Although greed may be perceived as the cause of our suffering, this fear of “lack” is at the root of most of the world’s ills. We are being crushed under a pervasive attitude of entitlement, “I am, therefore I should have. I should have the biggest and best, I deserve this lifestyle.” However, our over- consumption is choking the planet and on any given day you can find some corporate head or President/Dictator plotting global conquest.

Why does this behavior continue, we wonder? Madison Avenue surely plays a huge role. Advertising expenditures running in the billions, fuel the propaganda that contributes to our warped sense of values. But Fear is the engine that drives this machine. Fear is a great sales tool—a proven motivator. We’re afraid we will not have enough-won’t measure up. This is disheartening and disturbing. Fear is nothing more than our four-lettered friend, LOVE turned inside-out. Love simply is; fear is our distortion.

This fearful thought pattern follows those who equate happiness and success with financial net worth. But if this “prosperity” equals happiness, why then are these consumers so hell-bent on forever amassing more? Because the inner void can never be filled with objects.

Alan Cohen says that people are not buying a commodity, “they are buying a feeling… seeking to fill their soul.” My 80 year-old, dear friend and teacher, Allen David puts it this way: “We have lost our way and use achievement to impress the external world in an effort to forget what we truly yearn for.”

And lastly, perhaps you can try Carl Jung’s advice on for size, “Trust that which gives you meaning and accept that as your guide.” You just may discover Whose Shoes You Fill.

Peace & Blessings,