Talking Our Walk

A man with outward courage dares to die; a man with inner courage dares to live.
– Sun Tzu

Welcome to our October / November Autumn Issue: Change is good! Cycles, Transitions, Death and Healing.

When the time comes for us to address the transition to our later years, we can reframe our experiences of aging. Kamla Kapur asserts, Choice is Key. We can either think “old age sucks and then we die,” or trust we can and must reinvent ourselves with our choices in the time we have left. Quoting Robert Browning, “the best is yet to be.”

Building upon this theme, Taylor Mari suggests to Create Yourself Anew.

Life’s experiences grow within us a capacity to expand or contract; to become a vessel for more joy or more pain. By staying open, and prying oneself open again as needed, we claim the love and blessings of the universe. Again, it’s our choice.

Cell biologist, Bruce Lipton explains that a key to self-empowerment and the start to personal and planetary transformation, is to Rewrite Your Programs. One of my major points is the myth that your genetics rule your destiny. This is not true. I feel most illnesses do not run in families, but attitudes and the perceptions of the environment absolutely do. We can choose to be the creator of our reality, rather than a victim of perceived circumstances.

Alan Cohen tells us Who Will Win the Election. Not to worry, no political commentary here. Alan explains, The real election is not between two people, but between two states of consciousness.

Peace ALL-ways,

Neil & Andrea