Talking Our Walk

Welcome to our August / September “Back to School” Issue.

On July 4th, Andrea & I viewed the independent film distributed by Angel Studios, Sound of Freedom. Currently topping the box office in the United States, this movie is the dramatic story (based on true events) of Tim Ballard, an underground agent for Homeland Security, whose job is busting pedophiles in the US.

After over ten years of this type of work, and having to view the videos the pedophiles were watching in order to file his reports, his heart bursts open as he realizes that simply arresting the “end users” is not enough. Who is rescuing the children trapped in this tortuous nightmare? He decides to take on a rescue mission himself, and once successful, he is compelled to quit his job to continue these missions.

Although we all may have some awareness of sex trafficking in the back of our minds, the depth and extent of this, “business” is sickeningly astounding. What is even more astounding, is that establishment news outlets, such as CNN, are attacking the film, claiming this is a “QAnon conspiracy,” explained Joshua Philipp during his July 11 CROSSROADS broadcast. If ever there was an issue that would NOT be controversial and nonpolarizing, you would have to figure the welfare and safety of children would be it. Horrifically, there are factions that never want this atrocity to be exposed.

I know this is painfully uncomfortable to acknowledge, but it doesn’t even come close to the living nightmare these children and young adults are subjected to every day. Paraphrasing from the movie: Child sex trafficking is the fastest-growing illegal business in the U.S. You can sell drugs only once, but you can sell a child 5 times or more PER DAY.

Please help spread awareness by supporting this film and if you are called to do more, take a look at Tim Ballard’s Operation Underground Railroad (, an organization which provides, rescue, medical care, aftercare, and adoption initiatives to help these children survive and thrive. God’s children are not for sale.

Peace All-ways,

Neil & Andrea