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The Natural and Pervasive Power of Spiritual Experience
by Dr. Jonathan Ellerby

Spiritual experience is one of those terms that has become stereotyped and misconceived. Many religious communities have come to fear direct spiritual experience, and modern secular communities have come to ridicule them. Associated with psychedelics, paranormal phenomena, and altered states of consciousness, many people have become unsure of the safety and validity of such experiences. […]


Slower is Faster
by Ann Albers and The Angels – Phoenix, AZ

In this time upon your earth when it seems that so much is moving quickly, consider that perhaps, in many cases, slower is faster. When you take a breath and slow your thoughts, you can think more clearly. When you slow down and move deliberately, you avoid injury and act with precision. When you perform […]


Higher Love Begins with You
by Steve Farrell – Boulder, CO

A New Universal Dream by Steve Farrell

Higher love is the kind of joyful, fulfilling, authentic, and emotionally intimate love we all desire. If your mind immediately conjures an image of your romantic partner or crush when you read “higher love,” you’re not alone. In our society, romantic love is often the most idealized. But the ultimate love is the love of […]


You Get to Choose
by Ann Albers and The Angels – Phoenix, AZ

lotus flower

There are so many in the world who want your attention. There are movements and ideologies that want you to fuel them. There are television stations and radio broadcasts that want you to watch. Family members, friends, and so-called foes want your agreement, approval, and validation. There are and always will be countless people desiring […]


Putting Money and Relationships in Their Place
by Jeff Golden

In 2005, psychologists Ed Diener and Robert Biswas-Diener interviewed homeless people in the United States and India. The Indians lived in far worse conditions, yet they were actually happier than the Americans. In fact, they reported an overall satisfaction with their lives, something the Americans did not. The key difference between the two was that […]


The Vows We Break
by Dr. Talal H. Alsaleem

Unfaithful & Unrepentent

Many struggle to accept that infidelity is a conscious choice the unfaithful makes to meet a need. Some of those needs are healthy and can be fulfilled successfully through proper outlets that honor the expected parameters of exclusivity. Other needs are not healthy or realistic for someone in a committed relationship. Why people struggle with […]


Mindfulness in Relationships
by Dalia Wallach – New York City

Groundhog Day

Have you ever had a conversation with someone you love that turned into an argument and winded up spiraling into a screaming match? We may not want to admit it but sometimes our emotions can escalate so quickly we lose sight of the big picture and do not respond in the way we would prefer. […]


How to Free Your Joy
by Lisa McCourt

Free Your Joy

Every one of us has an aspect of us that is peaceful, loving, compassionate toward self and others, and joyful. It’s an aspect that comes standard with the human package, but most of us, throughout our lives here in our human suit, accumulate obstructions that keep us from acknowledging or recognizing this very real aspect […]


Why Being in the Current Political Civil War Won’t Benefit You Spiritually (And What Will)
by Steve Farrell – Boulder, CO

The level of anger, vitriol, and rage is at a fever pitch in American politics. But will taking a side and fighting against “the other side” in the current political civil war spiritually benefit you in the long run? Or is there a better option to take? What Is the Root Cause of the Current […]


No Worries!
by Ann Albers and the Angels – Phoenix, AZ

Hot air balloon flying over maze

There’s not a thing or a person on this earth that you need to worry about. There are, of course, people and situations that require attention, solutions, and plenty of love. There are powerful ways to assist even when you feel powerless in the 3D paradigm of reality. There are ways in which you can […]