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You Are Part of an Exiting Time on the Planet
by Ann Albers and The Angels – Phoenix, AZ

Every moment that you spend attuning to the thoughts that give you joy is a moment closer to having your desires appear in your life. Resolve this year that you will give yourselves permission to find thoughts and things to feel good about, no matter the circumstances around you. We are not predicting gloom and […]


Re-facing Issues You Thought You Had Healed From
by Kate King

lotus flower

The layers of inner work inside of every person are a lot like a stack of bricks. The process of healing deeply entrenched patterns, the inner child, and trauma of all kinds must happen by thoughtfully deconstructing those inner brick walls. To disassemble the tower that blocks you from your optimal well being and freedom, […]


Rested, Relaxed and Ready: My Daily Fatigue Reduction Schedule
by Danielle Pashko – New York City

Daily fatigue can be a significant challenge for individuals with immune-compromising illnesses such as Lyme disease or long COVID-19. In my personal journey with managing both of these illnesses, I have discovered some empowering strategies that work for me. If you also struggle with an immune-compromising illness or just struggle with daily stress, these lifestyle […]


Release Emotional Baggage and Other Tips for Holiday Happiness
by Dr. Bradley Nelson

Emotional baggage from past holidays or unresolved issues between family members can turn any holiday season into a disaster. Letting go of emotional baggage will enable you to celebrate the season with greater joy. Here are tips from Dr. Brad on how to have happier and less stressful holidays:  Decide ahead to be flexible about […]


“A Polyvagal Healing”
by Diane Lundegaard – Dix Hills, NY

It only took a sudden breeze to get the aspens moving and singing. From their strong flexible trunks and swaying branches came the song of their heart shaped leaves. Throughout their pierced crowns one could see blue patches of the sky that carried their music across the Island. The tall trees sang swish swish each […]


Everyone is Intuitive, Especially in Dreams
by Dr. Michael Lennox

Physic Dreamer

If you are someone who regularly remembers your dreams, then there is a good chance you have had the eye-opening experience of precognitive dreaming. My own fascination with dreaming began when I was a teenager.  I was an avid dreamer and relished the process of waking up each day and ruminating over the rich landscapes […]


A New Freedom
by Jaime Pineda

Controlling Mental Chaos: Harnessing the Power of the Creative Mind

Change requires an inward and outward commitment to be more open and flexible For many of us, the existence of an uncontrolled and often chaotic mind, along with its obsessive thought-spinning inner critic, is an existential predicament. When the effects of life experiences persist and affect mood, rational deliberation, and behavior, they disrupt the normal […]


LET’S GIVE THANKS ALL DAY LONG (Finding God At The Kitchen Table)

Thanksgiving is here, and many of us will be spending time in the kitchen, preparing to give thanks. We’ll be cooking, going to visit those we care for and also those we may have trouble with. But we’ll all be together at the kitchen table. What a wonderful gathering, especially when it’s dedicated to joining […]


When Fear Is Neutralized By Love …
by Owen Waters – Texas

lotus bud

Love, in its various forms, is the almighty drive that sends people to the extremes of human endeavor. This potent force which pervades the universe is part and parcel of the human experience, providing people with learning and evolution. It is the driving force behind all life in its journey back to the Oneness of […]


The Steep Price of Living with Imposter Syndrome
by Coline Monsarrat 

Imposter syndrome is rampant. It’s estimated that up to 70 percent of us have been caught in the snare of imposter syndrome. We’ve heard it whispering to us that we’re incompetent and that someday someone will expose us as a fraud. This can extract a price on your professional journey — lower salary, missed promotions due […]