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Hey, we’re over here: ‘female mostly’ health conditions
by Phyllis Greenberger

lotus bud

The history of all times, and of today especially, teaches that . . . women will be forgotten if they forget to think about themselves. —Louise Otto-Peters, a German suffragist and women’s rights activist, 1819–1895 Writing more than 100 years ago, Louise Otto-Peters’ words still apply today. While mainstream medicine has paid some attention to […]


Rewind Your Biological Clock **for WOMEN** Keys for Women to Turn Back the Clock
by Dr. Francis R. Palmer III

What's Your Number

Who holds the key to longevity: men or women? The answer may surprise you. While genetics and hormonal changes play significant roles in the aging process, there are factors within our control that can influence how gracefully we age. Recent studies have revealed a fascinating trend: men tend to age faster than women. By their […]


Exploring the Personal and Professional Benefits of Microdosing Psilocybin by Peggy Van de Plassche, Toronto, Canada

Microdosing psilocybin, the practice of taking small, sub-perceptual doses of the psychoactive compound found in certain mushrooms, has gained popularity in diverse professional circles. Individuals, especially those in high-pressure careers, are increasingly exploring the potential benefits of microdosing for enhancing mood, creativity, focus, and overall well-being. In this article, we’ll delve into the ways microdosing […]


Let Life Unfold and Guide Us
by Brenda Shoshanna – New York City

lotus flower

A big snowstorm was predicted for today. So many warnings, we may lose electricity, heavy winds coming. All kinds of concerns and yet when you really look and see the beauty of the snowflakes falling you forget the dire predictions. And, right now, as I look through the window, to my surprise, the snow has […]


The Old Charmer
by Gary Opas – Long Island, NY

“The sea was angry that day. Angry like an old lady who… “Mildred cleared her throat in a particularly loud manner. “You’d better choose your next words very carefully.” Jack gave her his most charming look, which over the sixty years they had been married, had diffused many of the milder bouts of annoyance that […]


The Challenge of Surviving Childhood Abuse
by Rory D. Kaplan – New York

Simple Highway

Child abuse is a significant societal problem that in most cases exists behind closed doors. The devastating psychological and emotional effects the trauma has on its victims can last a lifetime. Though difficult, recovery is possible. Speaking out and exposing the devastation caused are critical steps to addressing and dealing with it. While my siblings […]


A Polyvagal Healing: In From Across the Sound
by Diane Lundegaard – Dix Hills, NY

lotus bud

The Island endures rich with its offerings, one of which is the sound of cove music as the wind breezes in through the grass harps along the edge of the Sunken Meadow. The soft steady notes of those musical reeds helps to lull Catherine to sleep. At dawn, its magical chime helps draw her from […]


The Road To Splitsvile
by Jeffrey S. Stephens and Ronald Raymond

The Road to Splitsville

The following is an excerpt from THE ROAD TO SPLITSVILLE by Jeffrey S. Stephens and Ronald Raymond As you move through your divorce and toward your new life, it will be incredibly helpful if you take some time to identify the qualities about which you and your partner were in synch from early on, and […]


The Ultimate Relationship: When “Nourishment” Means Self-Care / Self-Love
by Sandy Robertson

lotus flower

There is so much in the media about food. Trending photos, diets, ways to eat, ways to fast, what is good, what is bad. People feel pressure…”am I eating right for me?” But they may be slightly missing the point. They should also be asking themselves: “why do I want to eat this right now […]


How Time is Changing
by Owen Waters – Texas

Part of The Shift to the New Reality involves a change in our experience of the passage of time. People often comment on how time seems to be passing much faster today than it did just 10 or 20 years ago. It’s not because we’re getting older; it’s because our experience of time is changing. […]