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Five Ways To Navigate Social Gatherings After Quitting Alcohol
by Radha Metro-Midkiff – New York City

lotus flower

Enjoying a night out with friends after quitting alcohol can be refreshing and deeply rewarding, when approached from a Yogic perspective. Here are five tips to help you navigate social gatherings with mindfulness and presence, drawing from the principles of Integral Yoga: Set an Intention (Sankalpa) Take a moment to set a personal intention for […]


Healing the “Father-Son Wound”
by Joyce and Barry Vissell – Aptos, CA

I just had the opportunity to talk with Jed Diamond, mostly about this important topic. You can watch this video conversation on YouTube here: I feel it is vital for not only men, but also women, to understand the father-son wound, and to know how to heal it. Over the decades, I have watched […]


Every One of Us Has a Calling What’s Yours?
by Alphonsus Obayuwana, M.D., Ph.D.

The Happiness Formula, A Scientific, Groundbreaking Approach to Happiness and Personal Fulfillment

As humans, one of the most remarkable of our universally shared endowments is the capacity to hope, which grants each of us the ability to dream and the strength to pursue the goal that arises out of our imagined possibilities. In addition to this amazing capability to hope, that we all share, each one of […]


From Here to There
by Patricia McDowall – London, UK

Have you ever felt that you are not quite where you want to be in life? Perhaps struggling with your career, your relationships, your finances and you think of a place in your head of where you want to be instead. So how do we get from here to there? Having been a Spiritual Life […]


To Aid with Conception, Deepen the Relationship with the Power of the Feminine
by Tami Lynn Kent – Portland, OR

Wild Mothering: Finding Power, Spirit, and Joy in Birth and a Creative Motherhood

When conception and pregnancy come with effort, or not at all, the risk is to set oneself up to feel like a failure or, alternately, to try everything in the hopes of being “good enough” to conceive. Difficulty in achieving pregnancy can cause great pain in a woman’s heart. I’ve witnessed the bountiful creative energy […]


A Deeper Reason
by Alan Cohen – Hawaii

A while back, I presented a retreat at a center on a small island off the coast of Vancouver, British Columbia. The only facility was a rustic YMCA-style camp, the only resident a caretaker named Dave. As our program got going, Dave made constant trips through our meetings in progress. At first, we thought there […]


Five Actionable Steps for Creating Balance and Authentic Self-Love
by Dr. Carla Marie Manly – Sonoma County, CA

The Joy of Imperfect Love

If you’re craving greater balance and connection, you’ll want to embrace the joy of imperfect love. Our world is filled with promises of perfect, instant love and the prize of instant gratification. The media fills our minds with images that sell quick fixes and the idea of perfect love and perfect lives. These false offerings […]


Talking to Your Child about Estrangement from a Family Member 
by Khara Croswaite Brindle 

“Mom, why don’t we talk to Grandma?” “Dad, why don’t we ever see Aunt Julie?” Adults who are estranged from a family member face challenges when attempting to explain the ruptured relationship to their children. A child who witnesses the dynamic often has a lot of questions. What does an adult daughter say to her […]


A Polyvagal Healing:  Spring in the Pine Barrens
by Diane Lundegaard – Dix Hills, NY

Drifting in from the Island’s glacial moraine, spring, traveling on an early morning breeze, announces its arrival as it heads south towards the bay. The vernal tidings, music scored with birdsong, the quacking and peeping of wood frogs and toads as well as a contributing chorus of forest voices enlivens the melody of the ariel […]


What Women Deserve in a Relationship
by Joyce Vissell – Aptos, CA

lotus flower

It amazes Barry and me how many women are still settling for less than they deserve in their relationships. The women’s movement of the sixties has done much to liberate women in their careers. Fathers are now helping out more than ever with child care responsibilities. Women are crowding the health clubs and marathons getting […]