Currently Browsing: New Beginnings

The Power of Hypnosis for Permanent Weight Loss with The Hamptons Method
by The Beach Hypnotist

In a world where fad diets and fitness trends come and go, the quest for sustainable weight loss remains elusive for many. Enter hypnosis—a timeless method that promises not just temporary results, but lasting change. At its core, hypnosis works by reprogramming the subconscious mind, the realm where deeply ingrained habits and beliefs reside. Unlike […]


Another Leap Forward in Dental Healing: The Pulp Cap, a Root Canal Alternative by

Let’s be honest: visiting the dentist isn’t a priority for most people. In fact, many patients wait until they experience pain to make an appointment. A dental cavity, an infection of the hard exterior of the tooth, is the most common infection worldwide. A tooth begins to hurt when the cavity penetrates the inner hard […]


Making the Most of Where We Are
by Kay Hutchison – UK

My Life in Thirty Seven Therapies by Kay Hutchison

Here in the UK we are probably a bit ahead of the US in terms of the scale of the pandemic. Over the weekend in the UK, all but the essential shops have been closing, people are stocking up with supplies like never before and the Government is urging social distancing and self-isolation. We even […]


Finding Peace in Nature During “Social Distancing”
by Julianne Haycox


Adopt the pace of nature; her secret is patience. -Ralph Waldo Emerson Inside of our homes, workplaces, schools and cars the air is thick with the moment to moment news of COVID-19. In this confinement, our minds become filled with scattered thoughts, our breaths become shallow and our bodies tense. While we need to understand […]


Becoming Your Own Best Friend
by Brenda Shoshanna – New York City

It is said that the real cause of all suffering and hardship is that we are not able to be in a room alone with ourselves for an extended time. How easy it is to see that now that the usual routines of our lives have been disrupted. Much that we have depended upon is […]


Where to Get More Love
by Alan Cohen – Hawaii

balancing rocks

A seminar participant asked me, “How can I let in more love from my girlfriend?” I told him, “It’s not your girlfriend’s love you need to let in. It’s your own love you need to let out.” We have consistently been taught that what we need is out there somewhere, and our task is to […]


Your Best Immunity to All Viruses
by Alan Cohen, Hawaii

open space with clouds

The coronavirus is getting a great deal of attention all around the world. Millions of people are taking extensive precautions to prevent getting or spreading the virus. Hand washing, mouth covering, and avoiding public gatherings are becoming commonplace. Some people are not going to their workplace and keeping their kids home from school. Defenses against […]


What You Aren’t Hearing About Coronavirus
by Lois Hermann – Nashua, NH

 The coronavirus (Covid-19) seems to be all we are hearing about on the news, and it sounds and looks very scary. Don’t you agree? Did you know that this virus has actually been around a long time? If you look on an old bottle of a disinfecting agent, you might find it listed as a […]


How to Find a Compatible Romantic Partner Based on Your Attachment Dimension
by Dr. Matthew Welsh J.D., Ph.D.   

Most people say that opposites attract and it can be helpful to find a partner with opposite personality characteristics to balance you out. In my opinion and personal experience, this is bad advice and a recipe for incompatibility. For example, if you like to have things planned out ahead of time and are very well […]


What is Worse: Going Viral or Verbal Quarantine
by Marilyn M. Singleton, MD, JD – Oakland, CA


As the death toll and cases of 2019- nCoV (aka novel coronavirus) infection rises, our curiosity increases as to the epidemic’s when, why, where, and how. Is the new virus naturally occurring, animal to human transmission, a bioweapon? “Official stories” aside, the world wide information highway is our best available tool to look for answers. […]