Currently Browsing: Change is Good

How Death Can Be a Key to Happiness
by Karen Wyatt, MD

& Lessons for Living from the Dying by Karen Wyatt MD

What if you thought about death multiple times a day, every day? In Western society you would probably be labeled as depressed, morbid, pessimistic, or neurotic, much like a character from a Woody Allen movie. But in the tiny Himalayan country of Bhutan, which has been named “the happiest country on Earth,” people contemplate death […]


SAVE THE PLANET: DITCH YOUR PHONE Transitioning to a Sustainable Future
by Arthur Firstenberg – Santa Fe, NM

cell phone

If Neil Armstrong had brought a cell phone to the moon in 1969, it would have appeared from earth, at night, to be the brightest object in the universe in the microwave spectrum. In the daytime, the sun would have been brighter, but at night, the cell phone would have outshone every star. There is […]


Glutathione—It’s Not The Fountain Of Youth, But It’s Close!
by Dr. Nayan Patel 

fruit and vegetables

Glutathione is the disease-fighting, age-slowing, energy-enhancing, detoxing, and beautifying antioxidant that you’ve never heard of…or perhaps you have. Each day, the number of individuals who are getting wise to glutathione’s benefits grows. People, search metrics show, have been Googling it like crazy! Even so, aside from scholarly articles (and there are thousands of them—glutathione is […]


Finding Balance With the “Five Flavors” How Your Taste Buds Can Guide You to Better Health
by Conan Milner

Schisandra berry

Think of a well-balanced meal and you’ll probably imagine things like vegetables, protein, and sensible portions. But there is another vital variable: taste. We naturally want food that tastes good, but learning to choose the right flavor, or combination of flavors, can also improve our health. In all ancient systems of medicine, flavor plays a […]


How Seniors Can Cultivate Happiness in the World — Even Now!
by Dr. Thelma Reese

How Seniors are Saving the World: Retirement Activism to the Rescue! by Dr. Thelma Reese and BJ Kittredge

Hope and happiness are in short supply in these stressful times. But there is more inspiration to draw from than meets the eye. This is a period in history, clearly, that calls on the energy and imagination of all generations. We all need to be listening to and interacting with each other in order to improve […]


Every Little Thing …
by Donna Martini – Oyster Bay, NY

everything we do well no matter how small adds to the total score

One day during gymnastics practice, I pulled my coach to the side and told her I wanted to quit the team. When she asked for my reason, I said, “Miss Smith, I am the worst person on it! All the other girls are better than me, and I can’t do any of the hard stuff […]


The 3 Biggest Dangers Caused By Pet Food
by Dr. R. Geoffrey Broderick – Huntington, NY

Why are pets living 1/3 of the lifespan they used to have decades ago? The answer to this question is simple: The pet food industry as a whole uses some of the worst ingredients possible that should never be consumed by any living being. Why? Because it’s cheap. They work extremely hard to keep you, […]


Another Leap Forward in Dental Healing: Root Canals and Chronic Illness by Dr. Jeffrey Etess, DMD, NMD, IBDM – Williston Park, NY

All too often I listen to patients telling me that they have chronic illness because of their root canals. I will be the first to admit, when a root canal is performed poorly, the likelihood for dental infections and systemic chronic issues increases dramatically. The legal standard of care demands that root canal therapy be […]


SPIT IT OUT! by Jimmy Kilimitzoglou, DDS, FACD, FPFA, DABOI, MAGD, FAAID, FICOI – Smithtown, NY

Ever wonder how some people don’t really brush and floss but don’t get cavities? And why is it that some people are so diligent about their oral hygiene yet every time they go to the dentist they have a cavity? Maybe it’s genetic. “I have soft teeth” they say. Or maybe it’s their spit! Spit? […]


The Truth About Probiotics!
by Dr. Howard Robins – New York City

Did you know that the probiotics you are taking may be worthless? Did you know that they may be giving you no benefit at all? What you will read below may be upsetting but there is good news at the end! 60 Minutes recently did an eye-opening story telling the startling truth about the probiotics […]