Currently Browsing: Change is Good

What is My Medicine?
by Linda Lombardo – Long Island, NY

path through woods

As a life coach, I hear that question a lot. A client wants to understand his or her unique gifts in the world or understand how to use them to create a more compassionate and sustainable world. That world could be just for that one person, a family, a community or the whole planet. Our […]


You’ve Got Company
Channeled by Salena Migeot – Southampton, NY

person sitting on bench

Your lives are changing in many ways and you are learning to flow with change more and more. Things have been accelerating in recent years such that you are all much more used to and tolerant of change. From our perspective, this is excellent. We will continue to guide you through more and more change […]


How Time Is Changing
by Owen K Waters Texas

hands holding clocks

Part of The Shift to the New Reality involves a change in our experience of the passage of time. People often comment on how time seems to be passing much faster today than it did just 10 or 20 years ago. It’s not because we’re getting older; it’s because our experience of time is changing. […]


Clutter is Low-Vibe: How Do You Deal With It?
by Maureen Calamia – Long Island, NY

Creating Luminous Spaces by Maureen Calamia

A common form of negative energy in our homes is clutter. If you are among the many challenged by clutter, or perhaps have a partner that is, I do sympathize with your situation. Many people ask me what they can do to overcome this challenge that is contributing to negative energy, chaos, and imbalance in […]