Currently Browsing: Change is Good

Your Attitude Can Change the Life of Your Loved One – and Your Own!
by Helene Berger – West Stockbridge, MA

two heads back to back

Shortly after our fiftieth anniversary, my husband, Ady Berger, was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s. His response when hearing the three fatal words, “you have Alzheimer’s” was, “I don’t want to live anymore.” During the first year after the diagnosis, he followed the typical path: stubbornness, frustration, irritability, rigidity, annoyance (if not anger) and inappropriate behavior. During […]


Adversity is Your Greatest Ally
by Michael Taylor – Stafford TX

rock climber

At the age of 23 I was living the American Dream. I had the house, the wife, the 2.5 kids the 401K and by society’s standards I was pretty successful. The only thing missing was the white picket fence. Within approximately a 6 year time frame my dream turned into a nightmare as I experienced […]


Alarming Decline in Millennials’ Health by Arthur Firstenberg – New Mexico

cell phone

Millennials—the first generation to grow up using cell phones—are experiencing an unprecedented decline in their health when they reach their late 20s. On April 24, 2019, the American health insurance association Blue Cross Blue Shield released a report titled “The Health of Millennials.” It showed not only that the health of this generation takes a […]


The Autumn Leaves of Life
by Elaine P. Morgan – Warrenton, VA

autumn leaves

My husband died at home in Hospice Care. The hospital bed was in the middle of the living room, the largest room in the house. Our journey together had encompassed almost three-quarters of our lives. I wondered where he went. The tall sailor in Navy whites with the southern drawl and the mischievous smile, now […]


How I Flunked the Science Fair, but Saved the World
by Alan Cohen – Hawaii

someone diving into swimming pool

In the ninth grade I did a project for the city science fair. It was about photosynthesis. I set up a little lab in my bedroom with colored lights on African Violets. I had no idea what I was doing and I learned nothing. I would rather have been playing baseball. When the big event […]


How Many People Can You Change for the Better?
by Will Tuttle, PhD – Hidden Valley, CA


As we deepen our inquiry into the nature of our culture, and how we can best help liberate animals, our Earth, and ourselves from the harmful actions and attitudes causing conflict and destruction, we may begin to realize that the problem is not just other people. We ourselves are part of the problem also. How […]


Finding Your Deepest Truth
by Sanaya Roman
channeling Orin

If you are in a difficult situation radiate love. Love heals and protects you.

This lifetime is a journey of finding your deepest truth. Every situation in your life that is a source of struggle or pain is an area in which you are learning about being true to your soul, your innermost Self. You have many roles you play, and you experience different truths at different times. You […]


Vegan Diet Gives Athletes an Edge Over the Competition
by Neal Barnard, MD, Goldman DM, Loomis JF, et. al.


Plant-based diets for cardiovascular safety and performance in endurance sports. Nutrients. 2019;11(1). pli: E130. Vegan athletes–from tennis champion Venus Williams to Formula 1’s Lewis Hamilton to Derrick Morgan of NFL’s Tennessee Titans–have proven the performance-boosting power of a plant-based diet. A new scientific review by Physicians Committee doctors and dietitians examines the science behind the […]


Third Age: Unplugged. What’s Next?
by Nancy Burner – East Setauket, NY

old womans hands

“What’s Next”- was the question I was wrestling with in my fifties when I attended the Emerging Women Conference in San Francisco a few years ago. The keynote speaker walked into the room of more than 1000 attendees and gave powerful clues about what was next for me. She wore no hint of makeup, she […]


USA: It is Time to Come Out of the Closet
You can’t fight for your rights and hide at the same time
An Editorial by John Gilmore, Executive Director, Autism Action Network


It is time for our community to “come out of the closet.”  We can no longer hide behind religious and personal belief exemptions and hope to protect our children, or even ourselves. The global drug industry that produces vaccines is no longer willing to tolerate us. They want to force everyone to use their products, […]