Currently Browsing: Back to School

The 6 Principles of Conscious Living
by Steve Farrell – Boulder, CO

man raising arms to sun

Everyone from yoga practitioners to spiritual teachers to social reformers espouse the values of “Conscious Living.” But what does it actually mean to live consciously? Conscious Living means cultivating awareness, mindfulness, gratitude, compassion, conscious consumption, and connection with both ourselves and everyone and everything around us. Conscious Living is not just a personal choice, but […]


Less Pride and Greed – More Humility and Charity
by Dr. Will Tuttle – Hidden Valley Lake, CA

The World Peace Diet

The month of June has been designated Pride Month by the powers that be. It goes without saying that it is essential that our gay brothers and sisters be fully included and protected in our society, and that the pride movement has been helpful in raising awareness about this issue, to help ensure that gay […]


A Higher Frequency of Consciousness
by Owen Waters Texas

Spiritual joy is a subtle excitement. Compared to the excitements of the day-to-day, outer world, some people would liken spiritual joy to an inner peace. According to physics, there are two types of excitement. One type increases activity, such as increasing the volume of a sound. The other type – the one we are referring […]


Alternative Therapies That Benefit Lyme & Long Covid-19
by Danielle Pashko – New York City

lotus flower

Living immunocompromised with the debilitating symptoms of Lyme disease and long COVID-19 can be overwhelming. While medical treatments are still being developed, incorporating alternative therapies into your lifestyle now can fill in the gaps to help alleviate symptoms. Having personally battled both Lyme disease and long COVID-19, I have successfully managed my energy levels through […]


Why Tantra Loves Your Anger
by Shai Tubali – Leeds, UK

Llewellyn’s Complete Book of Meditation

How do you face your negative emotive states, such as intense anger, anxiety, sadness, loneliness, grief, and confusion? When we are overwhelmed by these types of difficult feelings, most of us choose, consciously or unconsciously, one or two of the following reactions: Complete identification. You become your emotions and let them take over, including expressly […]


My Dog … My Guru?
by Milissa Castanza Seymour – Bethpage, NY

lotus bud

“Until one has loved an animal, a part of one’s soul remains unawakened. ~Anatole France A little white dog ran into a stall so fast he climbed onto my lap, reaching up to cover my face with kisses. He had a funny run like an animated reindeer in the 1960’s Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer. […]


Thomas Jefferson – A Deeper Perspective by Harry Swanson
by Harry Swanson

Jefferson home and statue

We owe tremendous thanks to our Founding Fathers for the gifts of liberty that we enjoy today. Thomas Jefferson is one of those Founders at the top of that list. Jefferson lived a fulfilled life being known for many professions and titles. He also served as a diplomat, lawyer, architect and could speak several languages. […]


Nuclear Weapons and Nuclear Reactors Are An Act Of War Against Our Health
by Dr. Helen Caldicott

Nuclear power. There are two processes that create electricity from nuclear power – fission and fusion – and both possess bone-chilling technology to develop plutonium – the fuel for highly destructive nuclear weapons that can destroy not just our health but humankind. As a physician practicing global preventive medicine, I’ve spent much of my career […]


Dental Phobia by Jimmy Kilimitzoglou, DDS, FACD, FPFA, DABOI, MAGD, FAAID, FICOI

In health care, as in life, small problems require small solutions. If you neglect them and wait too long, those small problems lead to bigger issues that can lead to catastrophic events, requiring extensive and expensive treatments. COVID certainly validated this phenomenon. Many times, this neglect is through no fault of the patient. Dental phobia […]


Another Leap Forward in Dental Healing: Supercharged Dental Healing
by Jeffrey Etess, DMD, NMD, IBDM

The origins of modern dentistry can be traced back to the historical connection between barbers and dental care. In the Middle Ages, barbers were not only responsible for cutting hair but also performed surgical procedures, including tooth extractions and bloodletting. This association continued into the 18th century when advancements in dental science luckily led to […]