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Clutter is Low-Vibe: How Do You Deal With It?
by Maureen Calamia – Long Island, NY

Creating Luminous Spaces by Maureen Calamia

A common form of negative energy in our homes is clutter. If you are among the many challenged by clutter, or perhaps have a partner that is, I do sympathize with your situation. Many people ask me what they can do to overcome this challenge that is contributing to negative energy, chaos, and imbalance in […]


Raising the Bar: Exposing Deceptive Marketing in the Snack Bar Industry

Raising the Bar Choosing Healthy Snack Bars versus Gimmicky Junk Food

New Report Echoes Concerns of Deceptive Marketing in Snack Bar Industry: Separating Misleading Nutrition Claims from Nutrient Dense Brands Last December, The Cornucopia Institute, a nonprofit food and farm policy group, released a comprehensive report and accompanying scorecard that exposed the misleading marketing practices by food industry giants that market candy-like energy bars as healthy […]


The Great Return
by Brenda Shoshanna – New York City

Here we are, at the end of summer, preparing to return to home to routines, to friends, to the next phase of the year. Everything returns. It has to. Autumn, waits in the wings, on the cusp of returning. Autumn leaves slowly change and return to the earth. The baby returns again and again to […]


The Bitter and the Sweet by Brenda Shoshanna – New York City

honey dripping from a spoon

We all want life to be sweet, are looking for that taste of honey. Some dip apples into honey during this season and enjoy them thoroughly. Others look for relationships and friends that will not disturb them. These individuals want to be with people who have the same views, are low maintenance. They avoid being […]


Your Pet Can Heal with Shamanic / Empathic Healing
Gary Spolansky – Westbury, NY

Dog on mountain top

Your pets are part of your family and they deserve the very best of care. Sometimes, however, as much as we want to help them, we often feel helpless. As they age, medicines don’t work as well, or they create unwanted complications. Other age-related issues become more pronounced.  Additionally, they sometimes become depressed when they […]


Ten Signs You Need to Breakup with Busy
by Yvonne Tally – California

Breaking Up with Busy Real-Life Solutions for Overscheduled Women by Tally

You are living a life, not running a race. Slowing the pace so you’re not racing and constantly playing catch-up begins one step at a time. And the first step is to understand what motivates your behavior and the comfort the behavior provides you. Once you do, you can devise some solid solutions and make […]


Money, Your Life and Happiness
by Mark Anielski – Alberta, Canada

An Economy of Well-Being by Mark Anielski

There is a long-standing debate about whether money buys happiness. Some argue that money cannot buy happiness. Some researchers have found that there may be a threshold of income and self-rated happiness, somewhere around $70,000 per household. Others would disagree, arguing that incremental increases in income secure marginally more happiness. I’m not sure there will […]


Poetry Can Be Dangerous
by Roger Housden

Ten Poems for Difficult Times by Roger Housden

Poetry is a concise and elemental means of expressing the deepest of human emotions: joy, sorrow, grief, hope, love, and longing. It connects us as a people and a community; it speaks for us in a way few other forms of writing can do. When I was in the process of moving to Manhattan in […]


The 432 Frequency
by Jill Mattson – Oil City, PA

Throughout the ages, mankind has tuned music to a variety of frequencies, getting extra doses of tuning notes that massaged the sacral, solar plexus and heart chakras. Each tuning note helped mankind evolve. Of all of the chakras, the heart is the most powerful. The heart connects us to our Higher Self, other realms and […]


The Greatest Beauty in Life
by Annette Cravera Goggio – Oakhurst, CA

Healing: A Conversation A Field Guide To Redemption Annette Cravera Goggio Forward By Dixie Yeterian

Are you a manifester? Are you surprised when something or someone you desire “suddenly” appears in front of you? Or do you wait for outcomes from lists of needs that you draw up in the back of your mind without relief? I am here to tell you that all in your life, whether specifically what […]