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Help Us to Help You Channelled
by Salena Migeot – Southampton, NY and The Collective of Guides


We ask your assistance in helping us help you. We have the power to assist you greatly except when you make mindless choices that obstruct our assistance. When you are mired in mindless activities, unconscious eating, watching, reading, or listening to things that do not uplift you in any way, you essentially block your own […]


A Happy Outcome is Assured
by Alan Cohen – Hawaii

Can you imagine being an adopted child reunited with your birth mother after 60 years? My friend Diane signed up for a genealogy research service, did a DNA test, and found that she had a cousin unknown to her family. Diane contacted Sherry, who confirmed that she had been adopted and, through previous inquiry, knew […]


Let Reality Be Reality by Brenda Shoshanna – New York City

To go back to the Reality of Life in the midst of this Reality Is Our Practice Shohaku Okumura These days we are confronted with so many dreams, possibilities, questions, illusions and points of view. We often dismiss or condemn those who do not agree with us. Relationships are severed and well being threatened. Friends […]


The Key to Abundant Living
by Owen K Waters – Texas

flowing creek

Along with the widespread growth in free enterprise in the latter half of the twentieth century, came the dawning realization that the primary key to abundance is to think first of what you can give to, rather than what you can get from, your work activity. People who have now adapted to the consciousness of […]


A Transformative Mindfulness Practice For The Holidays
by Keith Macpherson

As we gathered around in a circle in our living room, my brother courageously began the sharing. He started with a spontaneous, heartfelt message to my dad. As my brother’s words filled the room, all of our eyes began to water. The words he spoke were true and deeply felt among my entire family. It […]


The Gift of the Moment
by Dr. Brenda Shoshanna – New York City

During this beautiful season of light, miracles, gifts and kindness, the world is in an uproar. Rather than bathe in the beauty and love around us, rather than graciously receive the gifts given, our fight to conquer ourselves and others goes on and on. Our struggle to be important. Sides are drawn, relationships ended, weapons […]


9 Ways To Say Goodbye to Financial Struggle and Hardship, Forever
by Shaun Grant

dollar bills

Yep, you read that correctly. My highest objective is to help you to bid farewell to poverty consciousness, financial struggle and financial hardship. What’s tough is that something as important as finances should have been one of the most prominent things taught throughout grammar and high school. But it wasn’t. There’s a crazy ass reason […]


Our Single Greatest Need
by Marianne Clyde – Virginia

Zentivity by Marianne Clyde

If you could help humanity in just one area, what would that be? What is the world’s deepest need? Thought provoking question, isn’t it? I recently posted an inquiry on my social media sites, seeking to narrow down that question to an easy answer. In response, I received five pages of answers that just seemed […]


Recognizing the God-Essence in Everyone
by Annette Cravera Goggio – Oakhurst, CA

Healing: A Conversation A Field Guide To Redemption Annette Cravera Goggio Forward By Dixie Yeterian

Letting go of the prejudices we hold against others who represent beliefs so extremely different from ours is very difficult. It may be one of the most difficult of tasks we are asked to complete in this time as it involves reconciling differences among most of the individuals in our life— even the ones we […]


Connections: Beyond the Holidays
by Milissa Castanza Seymour M.S., C.H

Instead of viewing the time we spend with friends and family as luxuries, we can see that these relationships are among the most powerful determinants of our wellbeing and survival. ~ Dean Ornish During the holidays, what is more important than connection? The holiday season affords us the opportunity to celebrate with loved ones, friends, […]