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Atlantis Rising!
by Jill Mattson – Oil City, PA


The Atlantis “Myth” may be the most enduring grand mystery of all time… an enigma that was famously recorded by Plato around 360 BC (and it was ancient at that time!). Atlantis has captured the interest and imagination of countless generations; over 2,000 books have been written on this most famous “Lost Continent.” It has […]


The Modern Woman’s Steady Ride to Burnout
by Dr. Nisha Jackson


Women today work hard. Like Beyonce says, “we run the world.” But sometimes all this hard work can get to us. How many times have you caught yourself thinking, Wow, I’m burned out! It’s a feeling most women today can identify with. The inner drive to “do more” and “achieve more” is significantly impacting women’s […]


How Mindful Mompreneurship is Making an Impact
by Maria Gavriel – Manhasset, NY

It’s a new era. A time when the craving for something different…more fulfilling, and meaningful is trumping everything. It’s a pivotal moment that’s cultivating deeper conversations in classrooms, boardrooms, and even bedrooms – often fueled by a mom’s deeper desire for something Bigger…more Purposeful, and Impactful. This deeper drive, is creating trends that reveal how […]


Rethinking Consciousness and What It Means to Be Human
by Mark Gober

According to Science magazine (2005), the #2 question remaining question in all of science is: “What is the biological basis of consciousness?” In other words, how does physical, seemingly unconscious matter (such as a brain) produce a non-physical consciousness? We have no idea how this could possibly happen. Famous scientists such as Francis Crick, who […]


Have Humans Lost Their Connection to Nature?
by Frances Moore Lappé – Cambridge, MA

EcoMind by Frances Moore Lappe

In the UK, the typical eight-year-old is better at recognizing Pokémon characters than common wildlife. Now only 6 percent of American children nine to thirteen years old play outside unsupervised with other children as they have from time immemorial. “I like to play indoors better, because that’s where all the electrical outlets are,” a fifth […]


Sweet Deception
by Brian Clement – West Palm Beach, FL

Sweet Disease What Sugar and Artivicial Sweeteners are Doing to Your Health by Brian Clement, PhD.

You may not want to believe it, you may choose to ignore it, but sugar is more addictive than cocaine. That’s not me trying to exaggerate its evils. That’s not me trying to sell books. That’s a fact firmly rooted in science. Sugar is tantamount to a drug and the addiction to it produces much […]


Who Are You Feeding?
by Ocean Robbins – Santa Cruz, CA

31-Day Food Revolution by Ocean Robbins

Deep in your gut, 40 trillion chemists are hard at work helping you digest your meals, making essential nutrients you can’t produce on your own, protecting you from disease, and even shaping which parts of your DNA manifest and which remain dormant. These talented creatures are fungi, bacteria, and other single-celled organisms. And they are […]


What Are You Contributing
Channelled by Salena Migeot

crystall ball

We request your assistance as you raise yourselves up. We would like you to be aware that all you do is always being broadcast throughout the universe and each thought, word, and deed contributes to your collective reality and experience. As such, we implore you to be ever mindful of your thoughts as your thoughts […]


Fear is the Liar
by Alan Cohen – Hawaii

penguin on shark fin water ski

I recently watched a touching documentary, Tea with the Dames, an intimate chat between four legendary British actresses, Judi Dench, Maggie Smith, Joan Plowright, and Eileen Atkins, all of whom have been knighted. I found it a treat to momentarily peek into the lives of four esteemed thespians. At one point the subject of fear […]


Prenatal Ultrasound is Anything But “Perfectly Safe”
by Jeanice Barcelo – Massapequa Park, NY

future mom holding ultrasound photo

Since the 1970s, pregnant women have been repeatedly told that ultrasound is “just sound waves” and, therefore, “perfectly safe” during pregnancy. They have been encouraged by care providers to undergo multiple ultrasound scans and Doppler fetal heart monitoring (also ultrasound based) during pregnancy, and sometimes they and their babies are exposed to ultrasonic monitors for […]