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Mindfulness in Relationships
by Dalia Wallach – New York City

Groundhog Day

Have you ever had a conversation with someone you love that turned into an argument and winded up spiraling into a screaming match? We may not want to admit it but sometimes our emotions can escalate so quickly we lose sight of the big picture and do not respond in the way we would prefer. […]


How to Free Your Joy
by Lisa McCourt

Free Your Joy

Every one of us has an aspect of us that is peaceful, loving, compassionate toward self and others, and joyful. It’s an aspect that comes standard with the human package, but most of us, throughout our lives here in our human suit, accumulate obstructions that keep us from acknowledging or recognizing this very real aspect […]


The Steep Price of Living with Imposter Syndrome
by Coline Monsarrat

You Are Not an Imposter

Imposter syndrome is rampant. It’s estimated that up to 70 percent of us have been caught in the snare of imposter syndrome. We’ve heard it whispering to us that we’re incompetent and that someday someone will expose us as a fraud. This can extract a price on your professional journey — lower salary, missed promotions […]


The Challenge of Surviving Childhood Abuse
by Rory D. Kaplan – New York

Simple Highway

Child abuse is a significant societal problem that in most cases exists behind closed doors. The devastating psychological and emotional effects the trauma has on its victims can last a lifetime. Though difficult, recovery is possible. Speaking out and exposing the devastation caused are critical steps to addressing and dealing with it. While my siblings […]


A Polyvagal Healing: In From Across the Sound
by Diane Lundegaard – Dix Hills, NY

lotus bud

The Island endures rich with its offerings, one of which is the sound of cove music as the wind breezes in through the grass harps along the edge of the Sunken Meadow. The soft steady notes of those musical reeds helps to lull Catherine to sleep. At dawn, its magical chime helps draw her from […]


The Road To Splitsvile
by Jeffrey S. Stephens and Ronald Raymond

The Road to Splitsville

The following is an excerpt from THE ROAD TO SPLITSVILLE by Jeffrey S. Stephens and Ronald Raymond As you move through your divorce and toward your new life, it will be incredibly helpful if you take some time to identify the qualities about which you and your partner were in synch from early on, and […]


The Ultimate Relationship: When “Nourishment” Means Self-Care / Self-Love
by Sandy Robertson

lotus flower

There is so much in the media about food. Trending photos, diets, ways to eat, ways to fast, what is good, what is bad. People feel pressure…”am I eating right for me?” But they may be slightly missing the point. They should also be asking themselves: “why do I want to eat this right now […]


How Time is Changing
by Owen Waters – Texas

Part of The Shift to the New Reality involves a change in our experience of the passage of time. People often comment on how time seems to be passing much faster today than it did just 10 or 20 years ago. It’s not because we’re getting older; it’s because our experience of time is changing. […]


You Are Part of an Exiting Time on the Planet
by Ann Albers and The Angels – Phoenix, AZ

Every moment that you spend attuning to the thoughts that give you joy is a moment closer to having your desires appear in your life. Resolve this year that you will give yourselves permission to find thoughts and things to feel good about, no matter the circumstances around you. We are not predicting gloom and […]


Mouthwash: Friend or Foe?
by Jimmy Kilimitzoglou, DDS, FACD, FPFA, DABOI, MAGD, FAAID, FICOI

If I were to offer you a magic mouthwash that would be the single thing you have to do to have fresh breath, clean, white teeth, and healthy gums, would you be interested? Turns out that the mouthwash industry is a billion-dollar business. Yet, I wonder if it’s really effective — but more importantly, does […]