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Thrive for the Sake of Your Soul
by Ellen Grace O’Brian – San Jose, CA

The Jewel of Abundance by Ellen Grace O’Brian

We are born to thrive. If we look, we can see this — everything in nature, including us, is geared toward the growth and fulfillment of its purpose. The sapling Red Delicious apple tree in the garden stretches toward the sun, and given the right conditions, it blossoms and bears sweet fruit. How we delight […]


Lose Weight and Power Your Health – With Plants!
by Joel Kahn, MD – Detroit, MI

Measuring the weight of the nation or considering your weight is not necessarily a comment on whether skinny or portly looks better. Rather, it is a fact that your body weight serves as a relatively easy measure of a potential host of problems. Without question, diabetes, high blood pressure, certain cancers, dementia, arthritis, and heart […]


A Nutritarian Diet – For Weight Loss AND Health Gain
by Joel Fuhrman, MD


Almost any diet will be effective for weight loss in the short-term. As long as there is a calorie deficit, there will be some weight loss, but that doesn’t make the diet a healthful one. Research suggests macronutrient-juggling diets (low-fat, lowcarb) have similar (and modest) effects on weight loss, that there is no magic proportion […]


Brittle Claims for Bone Broth
by Ocean Robbins – Santa Cruz, CA

Broken Bones

Why is everyone talking about bone broth? Let’s explore this popular food trend and why so many people are jumping on the bandwagon. Find out what the research says about some of the most prominent bone broth benefits and claims. Bone broth has become popular. You may have seen the countless blogs and media outlets […]


Has Tolerance Been Abandoned?
Dennis Linthicum – Oregon State Senator

United States Disease Mortality Rates

The following is a newsletter from Oregon State Senator, Dennis Linthicum. While he is addressing proposed legislation in his home state, these issues and concerns— which affect every person, everywhere—are currently knocking on our own front door. Sen. Linthicum was gracious to share his message with Creations Magazine. The term totalitarian does not refer to […]


Infant Circumcision – A Medical Ritual that Needs to End Now by Jeanice Barcello

image of pregnant women at sunset

Infant circumcision is a heated topic in America, with a growing number of parents now choosing to keep their sons intact.1 Those who have become privy to the harm this elective procedure can cause know that no respectable medical association in the world recommends routine infant circumcision.2 3 4 5 In fact, medical societies in […]


Real Food, Real Men by Kathryn Bari-Petritis – Cold Spring Hills, NY

We live in a time of revolutionary insights about health and nutrition. There are now thousands of scientifically documented articles about the benefits of real food. Real food has the power to change your life. From my twenty-five years as a professional holistic chef and educator, I have seen that eating real, wholesome, fresh food […]


A Traveler, Not a Tourist Be
by Kent Nerburn – Portland, OR

Person reading a map

Wanderlust, the urge for adventure, and the desire to know what is over the next hill are like echoes in the backs of our minds that speak of sounds not quite heard and places not quite seen. You should listen to these echoes. Take the chances and follow the voices that call you to distant […]


Honoring Mothers and Ending Slavery
by Dr. Will Tuttle – Healdsburg CA

The World Peace Diet by Tuttle

A disturbing trend over the past couple of decades is the ongoing proliferation of human trafficking and slavery. It’s well known that de facto slavery conditions exist in a number of industries, such as for children on cocoa plantations in Africa, and carpet, clothing, and electronics factories in India and elsewhere, men on fishing boats […]


A Mother’s Unfathomable Journey
by Alee Reina Hoffman – Venice Beach, CA

mom with child in country

As a society we grip to the idea that life cycles must happen in the order we want them to, that we cannot have a mother outlive their child because it means they did not get more than their mother did—what every mother wishes for their children. And yet the reality is that women sometimes […]