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We Are Made to Be in the Sun
by Eileen Weilbacher – Long Island, NY


Here we are, July, a Beautiful time of year! Please, have NO fear of the sun and it’s many, MANY, Benefits! We must be wise, and take in the Sunshine’s generous rays, while benefitting from vitamin D and it’s Brain Derived Neurotrophic Factor (BDNF) enhancement! Please read, exerpted from an interview with Dr. Joseph Mercola […]


Something’s Happened to the Doctor Patient Relationship
by Dr. E. Steven Lenger

Stethoscope and computer

The doctor / patient relationship is one predicated on trust. In any relationship, a certain degree of trust is eroded when one feels that the other isn’t 100% present during a conversation. The doctor / patient relationship is no different and suffers when the inputting of EMR (electronic medical records) seems to take precedence over […]


Green America: “Skip the Slip” Report Finds Only 3 Major Retailers Get “A” Score for Receipt Practices

Rise in Consumption of Paper Receipts: 3/4 of Companies offer BPA and BPS Coated Paper Receipts; Green America Report Highlights Some Improvements. WASHINGTON, D.C.—June 25, 2019—Only three retailers – Best Buy, Apple and Ben & Jerry’s – get top marks in how they deal with electronic and paper receipts, according to a Green America report providing […]


If You Live Truly, You Will See Truly
by Brenda Shoshanna – New York City

So many of us are searching for truth, the best way to live life. Naturally, there are endless pathways, lectures, discussions and directions available. Some go from one path to the next, seeing which one might fit them the best. It’s common to spend a great deal of time, in some cases a whole life, […]


Can the Vaccination Issue Bring Left and Right Front and Center? How the Body Politic Can Emerge From a “Pharmaceutically Induced Coma”
by Steve Bhaerman

Totally Quips of the Swami An Indispesable Compendium of Cosmic Comic Wisdom Swami Beyondananda

The truth shall UPSET you free. — Swami Beyondananda My cosmic comic cohorts in the Firesign Theatre said it in their 1974 comedy record: Everything You Know Is Wrong. Boy, were they right. And that’s even truer when you are convinced everything you know is right. Take the “anti-vaccination” movement—or rather the anti-anti-vaccination movement. A […]


Our Passionate Love Affair With Life
by Neal Grace


All of us are on a journey of self-discovery—even when we are not consciously involved with this path. We are learning more about who we are every day through a multitude of actions, thoughts and experiences. Life keeps nudging us forward, as if it had a premeditated plan designed just for us. Through our daily […]


The Catskills
by Irwin Dunsky – Monroe Township, NJ


My father had an old friend. Their friendship was born when they were both young men. Dad’s friend Phil owned and operated a bungalow colony in the Catskills Mountains in upstate NY with his wife Helen. When I was about 8 years old my family started going to Phil and Helens “Four Gable House” for […]


How You Are Helping the World
by Owen K Waters

The book Power vs. Force by the late David Hawkins is one of the most fascinating books in the world today, and it has what might be the least appropriate title in the world. You see, the words power, versus and force all imply contention, yet that’s not what the book is about. The book […]


The Best That Can Happen
by Alan Cohen – Hawaii

My coaching client Andrea has struggled with issues of lack and poor self-worth for a lot of her life. Although she is smart, spiritual, and attractive, she has regularly feared that she would become impoverished and bereft. She told me, “Whenever I drive under a bridge, I check it out to see where I would […]


A Truly Abundant Life
by Lee Harris – California

We have the power to shift our reality and create different lives for ourselves — if we choose to believe and envision it. Abundance. This word carries so many connotations within our society. There are many misleading beliefs and ideas— so many un-abundant experiences— associated with this word. What does this word mean to you? […]