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Gifts of Insight from 169 Straight Days (and counting!) of Meditation
by Mina Samuels

This morning I hit 169 days of meditation in a row. That is a big accomplishment for me. My longest meditation streak ever. The day I started this streak, I participated in a meditation workshop and the leader suggested that all we needed to do was notice during our sits. Put another way, all we […]


Happier, Healthier and Younger in Retirement
by Fred Sievert

We all understand and appreciate the need for sound financial planning during the years preceding retirement. Who among us hasn’t gone online to calculate our retirement “nest-egg” needs and then panicked because accumulating that much wealth seemed inconceivable; especially if we started the process at age 55 or later? While it’s critically important to solicit […]


Opioid Industry is Crashing. Are Vaccines Next?
by John Gilmore – Long Beach, NY


Recently, an Oklahoma court fined drug company Johnson & Johnson $572 million for their role in creating the opioid crisis. This is the first state court judgment, with many more certain to come, against a player in the opioid industry. Cleveland County District Judge Thad Balkman wrote the defendants, “engaged in false and misleading marketing […]


How Your Body Changes When You Start Eating Vegetarian
by Rand McClain, D.O. – Santa Monica, CA


People have various reasons for adopting any diet. The Vegetarian diet has various traits and benefits that can satisfy many reasons for adopting the diet. Whatever your reasons, going vegetarian (also referred to as vegan) is likely a welcome change. “Vegan” is typically reserved for strict adherence to eating nothing from animal sources. “Vegetarian” is […]


Hardship and Suffering Are Gifts In Disguise
by Annette Cravera Goggio


Nobody likes to suffer. It feels awful and makes us desperate for relief sometimes. Why wouldn’t we want to skip over our hardships so that we never had to suffer again? Why wouldn’t we want to spare our children and friends from devastating illness, heartbreak or failure of any sort? We wouldn’t. We want to […]


Life is Not About Predictability by Jeanmarie Wilson – Ronkonkoma, NY

road with autumn leaves

We don’t like change. Yes, we pretend to and profess to “embrace change” or aspire to “create change”, yet in reality, we push it away with every fiber of our being. Gravitating to what is familiar, we find comfort in the expected and the conventional. Although we know the deal and have played out a […]


Unity versus Separation by Owen Waters – Texas


The eternal theme of human history on Earth has been that of good versus evil. We generally define good behavior as that which is unselfish and supportive. Evil, its opposite, is then defined as behavior which is self-serving at the expense of others. Underlying these opposing definitions is a common principle, that of separation. Long […]


Your Attitude Can Change the Life of Your Loved One – and Your Own!
by Helene Berger – West Stockbridge, MA

two heads back to back

Shortly after our fiftieth anniversary, my husband, Ady Berger, was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s. His response when hearing the three fatal words, “you have Alzheimer’s” was, “I don’t want to live anymore.” During the first year after the diagnosis, he followed the typical path: stubbornness, frustration, irritability, rigidity, annoyance (if not anger) and inappropriate behavior. During […]


Adversity is Your Greatest Ally
by Michael Taylor – Stafford TX

rock climber

At the age of 23 I was living the American Dream. I had the house, the wife, the 2.5 kids the 401K and by society’s standards I was pretty successful. The only thing missing was the white picket fence. Within approximately a 6 year time frame my dream turned into a nightmare as I experienced […]


Alarming Decline in Millennials’ Health by Arthur Firstenberg – New Mexico

cell phone

Millennials—the first generation to grow up using cell phones—are experiencing an unprecedented decline in their health when they reach their late 20s. On April 24, 2019, the American health insurance association Blue Cross Blue Shield released a report titled “The Health of Millennials.” It showed not only that the health of this generation takes a […]