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You Can Prosper Wildly—Without Selling Your Soul
by Alan Cohen – Hawaii

One of the areas begging sorely for our awakening is the arena of business and money. As advanced as we are in commerce, many of us still subscribe to limiting fear-based ideas and attitudes that keep us from thriving. Over many years coaching and training thousands of clients to forge new paths to success in […]


You Can’t Fight for Your Rights and Hide at the Same Time
by John Gilmore, Executive Director, Autism Action Network

It is time for our community to “come out of the closet.” We can no longer hide behind religious and personal belief exemptions and hope to protect our children, or even ourselves. The global drug industry that produces vaccines is no longer willing to tolerate us. They want to force everyone to use their products, […]


Ten Tips to Care for Yourself While Caring for Someone Else
by Helene Berger – West Stockbridge, MA

When giving your all in the sacred role of caring for a loved one, an essential piece is often missing from the equation: YOU! You cannot stop living your life. It will not be good for you, and it will certainly not be good for your loved one. The moment you feel trapped, a host […]


The Opioid Industry is Crashing — Are Vaccines Next?
by John Gilmore – Long Beach, NY

Recently, an Oklahoma court fined drug company Johnson & Johnson $572 million for their role in creating the opioid crisis. This is the first state court judgment, with many more certain to come, against a player in the opioid industry. Cleveland County District Judge Thad Balkman wrote the defendants, “engaged in false and misleading marketing […]


A Wake Up Call — An Open Letter
by Marla Peck Huntington, NY

This is a cry for help. A “wake up” call to all! I am reaching out to you with a real sense of urgency. It is imperative that we all take a stand for democracy and rise up! The following truth may shock you. We need to be shocked out of our indifference in order […]


The Astonishing Intelligence of Being
by Will Tuttle, PhD – Hidden Valley, CA

Researchers investigating the structure of the body have discovered that cells are phenomenally complex, and compare a single cell in our body in complexity to New York City. We have several trillion such cells in our body. Let’s savor that for a moment. It’s humbling and inspiring to contemplate the enormous intelligence invested in each […]


Are You Living an Adventure-Starved Life?
by Vella Mbenna

Have you fallen into a routine of drudgery? Do you feel stuck there? You’re not alone. If we’re honest, many of us will admit that we’re kind of going through the motions—work, home, eat, TV, sleep, repeat— and living by default instead of design. Life isn’t bad; it’s just dull. Uninspired. Actually (and ironically), a […]


How to Deal with Your Relatives During the Holidays
by Alan Cohen, Hawaii

holiday lights

As we plunge into the holiday season, many of us will be spending intensive time with our relatives. If you love your family and they are all easy to be with, way to go! If not, you may find yourself with relatives who are difficult to be with, accompanied by unresolved events, patterns, and histories. How, […]


When You’re Sick, Be a Sick Person
by Brenda Shoshanna – New York City

Girl sick in bed

We all strive to be better and better to live up to an ideal or image of how we should be, or what we want in the moment. When conditions change, and we cannot achieve our goals, we fight what is present. We reject the condition, demand things go our way. Not only do we […]


Dream Your Life and Live it
by Karen Struck, RN – Los Angeles, CA

women embracing sunset

So much has been written about living our lives to the fullest, but what does that really mean?  Mark Twain summarized it succinctly – “Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the things you did.” Let’s face it, life is a roller coaster. We all […]