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by Donna Martini – Oyster Bay, NY

heart charging Mouse with big red heart

Feeling tired and a bit overwhelmed? Being empathic beings, many of us are feeling a huge lull in physical energy, most likely allowing the weight of our world’s woes to get to us. We have forgotten (or perhaps never understood) our innate ability to change woes into wows. We all possess this potential. Using our […]


by Annette Goggio – Oakhurst, CA


Water is Spirit. I’ve been told this, many times, and still, I forget. I have been getting many reminders lately. Actually, it started in 1995. I was at the beach I spent most of my high school years sitting on, but never going in the water because my hairdo would then be ruined, and flirting […]


Pray that the World Does Not Go Back to Normal
by Alan Cohen – Hawaii

planet earth

As I was entering a local grocery store, a sign caught my eye: “These are our temporary hours ——until the world goes back to normal.” While part of me felt relieved at the prospect of the world going back to normal, part of me felt disappointed. I don’t want the world to go back to […]


The Opportunity of a Lifetime
by James K. Papp – Bellingham, WA

Inquire Within: A Guide to Living in Spirit by James K. Papp

Life right now is indeed weird. The coronavirus outbreak has reshaped our way of being together on Earth. Most of us have never experienced so much disruptive change – and so quickly – in our lifetimes. Suddenly we are sharing (or not sharing) homes, workplaces, and public domains in entirely new ways. The group mind, which […]


Let’s Turn this “Pause” into a Reset
by Steve Farrell – Boulder, CO

open fields

All of us in Humanity’s Team hope you and yours are navigating the lockdown with peace and equanimity. We know how challenging it can be to find quiet space at home, attend to kids, and support seniors who might have special needs. I’m writing to you today about something that has emerged as an urgent […]


Stuck inside? Five Simple Things to Get Reacquainted With Yourself
by Maharani – Spain

Whole-Ass by Maharani

I´d like you to introduce you to someone. She (or he) might remind you of someone you met a long time ago. You can’t pinpoint from where, but this person brings up the oldest, deepest feelings in you. You are not sure if you want to hug this person or if you want to run […]


Making Peace With Uncertainty: A Mom’s Lessons Learned
by Anne Ockene Boudreau

woman looking out to sea

Almost everyone faces fear, worry, and uncertainty due to the pandemic’s upheaval. Author, coach, and executive Anne Boudreau had to make peace with those feelings when she decided to travel from her home in Atlanta to Cape Town, South Africa — against the advice of family and friends — to bring home her daughter who […]


Birthing a Planetary Reset
by Alan Cohen, Hawaii

sky with clouds

The world is not the same place it was just a few months ago. The pandemic and economic downturn have put humanity’s activities on pause and caused nearly everyone to make significant lifestyle changes. We are required to stay home, conduct business from our living room, home-school, and face family issues we have shoved under […]


Hoarding Toilet Paper is Not the New Normal
by Marilyn M. Singleton, MD, JD – Oakland, CA

toilet paper

During my last visit to the grocery store, after directing me to the hermetically sealed conveyor belt, the clerk grinning proudly said, “Welcome to the new normal.” No, thank you. These ad hoc restrictions on our liberties are not normal—at least in the United States of America. In the name of public health, prisoners have […]


Wearing a Mask, Humor and Grateful Awakening
by Cheryl Melody Baskin

Heart-Dreamer: Stepping into Life, Love, Creativity and Dreams-No Matter What

On my walk yesterday, my eyes caught sight of the buds on the trees. I mean I really saw the buds. Before COVID-19, I didn’t notice Spring until the trees were in full blossom. It took a worldwide virus to force me to fully notice life’s abundance in slow motion. I am IN the season […]