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You Never Ask The Meaning Of Life When You’re In Love
by Brenda Shoshanna – New York City

lotus flower

Most of us do not see the connection between Zen practice and love. But Zen is the practice of being in love with all of life, becoming one with it, no separation. We look for meaning everywhere, find it briefly and then it leaves. A sense of hollowness arises and this search can continue endlessly. […]


The Evolution of Boys to Men Through the Decades
by P.T . Mistlberger – Vancouver, Canada

The Way of the Conscious Warrior by P.T. Mistlberger

Early twenty-first-century Western men inhabit a very complex and challenging time in history. After centuries of social and political marginalization Western women achieved a measure of status in the early twentieth century, particularly when they obtained, in some nations, the right to vote and eventually the right to run for political office as well. The […]


A Mother’s Son
by Annette Cravera Goggio – Oakhurst, CA

mother and son

Tough love be damned. What a boy needs to grow up to be a well-integrated person is an honest relationship, starting at birth, with the female of the household, his mother. What is a mother’s job? To raise her children, male or female, to be caring, thoughtful, human beings, and that job should not end […]


Use Visualization to Reclaim Your Personal Power During the Pandemic
by Janet McKee

Stressless Success by Janet McKee

Life is challenging, and especially so now. Many of us feel victim to all that’s happening with our work, our communities, and in the world at large. These hopeless feelings result from believing that we have no power over the situation around us. Sure, worry and concern are normal feelings during these unusual times. But […]


New Digital Demands Require Frontline Defense
by Dr. Rudrani Banik, MD – New York City


Whether we are teleconferencing for work, homeschooling, virtually connecting with family and friends, watching television, streaming, or gaming, screen time has become a necessary fixture in our daily routines especially with the current pandemic recommendations on social distancing. We certainly need our digital devices! However, this increased exposure to digital screens and the blue light, […]


Nowhere To Go
by Brenda Shoshanna – New York City

couple sitting by fireplace

We are all searching for the perfect place to visit, live in, or spend time. Most can stay where they are only briefly. Restlessness arise, curiosity about what’s around the corner. Deep inside there is a cry, “Get Me Out Of Here. I’ve had enough.” Had enough of what? We’re not sure, but it definitely […]


Wake Up Man! by Dr. Len Izzo

Man in Doorway

Know Thyself – Words inscribed at the Temple of Apollo And the Truth Shall Set You Free (But first it will make you angry) Hey brother, before you read on, I invite you to go at your own risk because what you will see here will either stir some deep sadness, uncover fear, or trigger […]


Perceptions Create Reality
by Steve Farrell – Boulder, CO

mountains and clouds

There is a well-documented phenomenon called The Pygmalion Effect. The name is derived from the mythical Greek character, Pygmalion, who had carved such a beautiful statue that he fell in love with it…and brought her to life. In other words, Pygmalion’s perception of this seemingly inanimate rock as a beautiful living woman changed its very […]


Rekindling Your Passions
by Dr. Dravon James – Baltimore, MD

two hands holding a flame

What happened to you? I mean what happened to YOU…not what happened to you the wife or you the mom or you the employee. What happened to you the dreamer, the lover, the adventurer? What was it that enticed you away from your journey and lured you to the path that you are on today? […]


Whenever You’re Ready
by Alan Cohen – Hawaii

I met a fellow who had been diagnosed with a rare debilitating disease. For seven years Stan consulted with over a hundred doctors, submitted to endless tests, ingested more than a hundred pills daily, and tried a wide range of treatments, none of which helped. He kept losing weight until he was down to 120 […]