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Stupid is in the Mind of the Beholder by Donna Martini – Oyster Bay, NY

Post after post on social media written by people willing to humiliate their peers, calling them stupid, selfish, and ignorant for not taking this new vaccine. Is this a new trend… be sheep or be shamed? Are we still allowed a heedful response to what we are being asked, possibly forced, to do to our […]


You Never Ask the Meaning of Life When You’re In Love
Falling In Love With All of Life
by Brenda Shoshanna – New York City

lotus flower

Most of us do not see the connection between Zen practice and love. But Zen is the practice of being in love with all of life, becoming one with it, no separation. We look for meaning everywhere, find it briefly and then it leaves. A sense of hollowness arises and this search can continue endlessly. […]


Our Pets Can Be Our Relationship Coaches
by Margit Gabriele Muller

woman petting dog

Pets are well-known to be our best companions who chase away our loneliness and social isolation. But they can do so much more for us than we usually think or know. They can be our role model for better relationships as they follow their instinct and are not blinded by external influences. But how can […]


How One Resilient Kicker Learned There Was More to Life Than the NFL
by Sean Conley – Pittsburgh, PA

The Point After

Professional sports aren’t about moderation. They’re about pushing your body to the extreme to achieve great things. Even as a young boy I felt that need to go beyond my limits and get better and better. My goal was to be a placekicker on an NFL team, a position that is as hard as any […]


Does My Insurance Cover It?

For those of us who have insurance, this is a great thing. When it comes to dental insurance, it is very different from medical insurance. Dental insurance has a lot of restrictions and rigid rules. They will pay a percentage for certain treatments and a different percentage for others. Copays range from as little as […]


Another Leap Forward in Dental Healing: Is your Dentist Listening to You?

Everyday I listen to a new patient’s medical-dental “story” and I am continually shocked by what is being told to me. Don’t dentists listen anymore? How can your dentist properly diagnose your dental problem if they do not pay attention to the details? It is always about the details! I recently saw a patient who […]


A Clear View — With No Radiation!

Vision is one of the dentist’s most important tools. Being able to see inside your mouth, assess how to help make your smile the most perfect it can be, and then track your progress over time is essential to providing you the best long term care. We at Golden Dental Wellness Center are proud to […]


My “Old” Dog Plays Like a Two-year Old Again!

Pet parents are in a state of extraordinary awe when they see the effects the full Cornucopia diet has on the lives of their pet children. These are people that are taking an unwavering and decisive stance against pet food poison by viewing their pets’ diet as a paradigm to prevent disease, sickness, and a […]


Why Winter Weather Can Leave You Feeling Lethargic and Carb-Motivated
by Dr. Amy Lee – Los Angeles, CA

girl outside with dog

As the days get shorter and cooler, it’s not uncommon to feel lethargic, sad, or unmotivated. You may also find yourself overindulging in carbs and having zero motivation to get out and exercise. How can a simple change in weather have such dramatic effects on your health? And what, if anything, can you do about […]


Eating with Sensory Regard
by Deborah Kesten, MPH

Eating with Sensory Regard, by Deborah Kesten, MPH

Savoring flavors and bringing a loving sensibility to food and eating are part of a sensory-regard consciousness that has traveled through the centuries via world religions, cultural traditions, and Eastern healing systems. Indeed, the sensory and spiritual elements of eating go together like twins. While such an orientation toward food sharply contrasts with the Western […]