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FREE Pet Insurance! … to Help Prevent the Root Cause of Sickness and Disease by Dr. R. Geoffrey Broderick

Free Pet Insurance through Prevention is backed up by my 52 years of research in nutrition and medical practice as a veterinary medical doctor and surgeon, revealing that 90% of all veterinary medical bills and expenses are derived from the feeding of commercial “Pet Food.” “Pet Food” is not real food for anyone, and it […]


Do You See the Light? by Jimmy Kilimitzoglou, DDS, FACD, FPFA, DABOI, MAGD, FAAID, FICOI

Light is life. It is natural. It is everywhere. Why not in oral healthcare? Let me shed some light on it. We use a focused blue light when we do white fillings. That is how the composite resin paste turns into a hard filling material. Light is used for diagnosis of disease. Velscope is an […]


PEMF: The Holy Grail For Health!!! by Susan Finley

PEMF stands for Pulsed Electromagnetic Field therapy. But for me PEMF stands for “People Energizing Maximizing Fun Machine!” Before I learned about PEMF mats I was managing the symptoms of two autoimmune diseases, lupus and Sjogren’s. I felt I had them under control, but it was a full-time job. I was taking 122 supplements a […]


Another Leap Forward in Dental Healing: Setting A Higher Standard by Jeffrey Etess, DMD, NMD, IBDM

How can you tell whether something you’ve done for yourself is good enough? Or just what would make it good enough for you? Your personal standards are what matter here. Are your “good enough” criteria aligned with your personal beliefs, values, and ideals? How about situations that actually require an ideal performance, like the treatment […]


Relaxation Dentistry

We all know that going to the dentist can be a stressful, scary experience. While most traditional dentists at least attempt to offer a low-stress environment, the visit still often ends up being painful, nerve-wracking, and all-around unpleasant. However, here at Golden Dental Wellness Center, we have Relaxation, Sedation, and Pain-Management programs that cater to […]


Who Will You Be in 2021?
by Alan Cohen – Hawaii

reflection of man in water

Many of us have lots of questions about what 2021 will bring. When will the pandemic end? Will I return to my job, or will I have to reinvent myself? Will the kids be able to get out of the house? Will I be allowed to go to a concert, travel, or visit my relatives? […]


Patience, Patience, Patience
by Ann Albers and the Angels

My dear friends, You have a saying on earth that “Patience is a virtue.” You understand intuitively that no matter how difficult life might be, you will weather it more easily with a bit of patience, for patience is a willingness to surrender yourself into the moment, to embrace the gifts and opportunities therein, and […]


My Cat is My Teacher
by Annette Cravera Goggio – Oakhurst, CA

Our animals spend time with us for a reason. They may come as a surprise, handed to us by a friend or lover, or even a truck driver stopped at a stoplight; or they may be hunted out, at animal shelters, pet shops or the internet—but they are always given to us because we need […]


Leave Your Fears Behind 
by Lawrence Doochin

A Book on Fear by Lawrence Doochin

Spiritual teachers have told us that life is unfolding in the now and that only the present moment exists. Scientists such as Albert Einstein have confirmed it. We think time is linear, but that’s because we don’t perceive the now. Our minds are constantly shifting from the past (memories) to the future (expectations). Both of these states of […]


Take Charge! Eleven Life-Changing Practices That Are Easy to Commit To
by Donna Martini – Oyster Bay, NY

Every day is your new day–an opportunity to start fresh, an attempt at a redo, a chance to put our best mindset and footstep forward. There are hundreds of ways to do this, but here are just a few that alter all aspects of our human selves, mentally, physically, emotionally, and spiritually. Drink Fewer Caffeinated […]