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Hope Is The Key
by Elaine P.Morgan – Warrenton, VA

He wrote me that prior to his incarceration prison was an abstraction. It was in a movie or a book plot, not affecting his life and he never gave it a thought.  I felt the same way until I became a Prison Correspondent Mentor.  I had many opportunities for service in the past as a […]


Love is …
by Donna Martini – Oyster Bay, NY

Love is food; it’s fuel; it’s energy. It multiplies; it envelops; it seeps. Love is what we need; what we want; what we were created to give away, not keep. Love is a noun, a verb, an adjective … It is a thought and what we can willfully choose to become our narrative. It is […]


A Definition By Any Other Name …
by Donna Martini – Oyster Bay, NY

The company you keep defines who you are. We are who we associate with. Tell me with whom you associate, and I will tell you who you are. We have heard these sayings for decades. Now, we are sharing them on posters all over social media, which makes me wonder what aspect of our human intellect needs to promulgate […]


Are Hurricanes Really Getting Worse?
by Bill Pekny

Heading into the 2021 Atlantic hurricane season (June 1–November 30), there is a lot of fear that these types of storms are getting more frequent and more severe. Many folks believe that warming oceans will mean more energy for these storms to absorb, which will translate to stronger and more destructive hurricanes when they make landfall. […]


Turn that frown upside down…
by Jimmy Kilimitzoglou, DDS, FACD, FPFA, DABOI, MAGD, FAAID, FICOI

The thought of going to the dentist conjures up feelings of gloom and doom. While there are those conscientious individuals who faithfully visit their family dentist twice annually as recommended by professional dental associations, there are those who wait until the absolute last possible moment—when the toothache is totally unbearable—to pick up the phone and […]


Can Cell Phones Cause Heart Arrhythmia? by Susan Finley

“You have an electrical problem with your heart, we are going to have stop it and restart it again,” said the young doctor hovering over me, in the ER room (who I could almost swear looked no older than 17). Fearful it was his first day in the ER, I imagined his earlier conversation before […]


OralDNA® Tests provide Early Detection for Oral Cancer

There has never been a more crucial time to take care of your oral health. Periodontal disease affects half of the nation’s population and oral cancer kills one person per hour 365 days a year in the United States. Research by National Institutes of Health shows that oral diseases are also strongly associated with several […]


Another Leap Forward in Dental Healing: The Regenerative Dental Pulp Cap
by Jeffrey Etess, DMD, NMD, IBDM

As society turns the corner from the pandemic, life is starting to return to normal. We are all attempting to get back to the things we miss doing and attending to our personal needs, including going back to the dentist. Many have put their dental needs on a complete hold during the last year. Unfortunately, […]


3 Common Pet Costs You Can Avoid
by Dr. R. Geoffrey Broderick

Pet parents are often sent into a momentary state of shock when they see the vet bills for a treatment, procedure, or even a simple vet visit. Their jaws drop, their eyes bulge, and their bank account runs for the hills. They’re even more shocked when they come to me and I explain how those […]


Charisma is Essential Now More Than Ever: 5 Tips for Instant Charisma
by Leesa Rowland – New York City

lotus flower

Charisma is an exceptionally important trait, especially now. As we come out of the pandemic, during which we have been spending so much time alone and missing the human interaction which is so essential to our emotional and mental health, people may be feeling socially awkward about a return to social settings. With quarantine-induced social […]