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The Power of Empathy to Reconnect Us
by Loren Swift

Without empathy, a lack of care and concern takes its place, resulting in a kind of isolation bordering on social deprivation. Ongoing disconnection in our relationships can start to pull at us, draining our energy and inciting misunderstandings that can lead to conflict. Empathy is the antidote to disconnection. It is the ability to share […]


Embracing the Power of Healing
by Dr. Mark Mincolla – Braintree MA

I’d like to begin by underscoring that doctoring and healing are two distinctly different things. Doctoring generally refers to the engagement of material medicines and medical procedures that bring about physical, cellular changes that improve one’s health. In the grand scheme of things, doctoring is matter based. Healing, on the other hand, reflects a more […]


My Father’s Voice
by Richard Ehrlich – Long Beach, NY

Around eleven years ago, when I first started saying kaddish for my father using his own tefillin, an old shule friend of his noticed that the head part didn’t quite fit; the leather was too loose, and he adjusted it for me right there in the sanctuary. But it wasn’t only the size of my […]


A Father, A Daughter, A Dream
by Patricia Bono – Scottsdale, AZ

It was a hot summer day and I had just finished riding my horse, bathing him, and putting him back in his stall. I went into the bathroom and looked in the small mirror over the sink. The face that stared back at me was covered with sweat and sooty grime. Time seemed to stand […]


Awakening in Nature to Our Interconnectedness
by Carl Greer, PhD, PsyD

When I was not yet old enough for kindergarten, I would often leave behind my baby brother, who was still in cloth diapers and in need of my mother’s watchful eye, and wander off by myself to explore the town and countryside near my home in Mt. Lebanon, Pennsylvania. Neither of my parents realized that […]


Driving With the Brakes On
by Anthony De Mello

Society and culture determine what it means to be a success and drill it into our heads, day and night. Stop to consider this: Having a good job or being famous or having a great reputation has absolutely nothing to do with happiness or success. Nothing! It is totally irrelevant. Do you want to be […]


Can’t You See?
by Jeanmarie Wilson – Ronkonkoma, NY

lotus bud

All this time, you have been searching for the answer. And here it is: Noticing the fun and joy that exists in your day leads to more joyful times coming your way. Recognizing you have events to feel grateful for in the present moment leads to more events you appreciate. Acknowledging the peace that exists […]


How Serendipity Can Positively Affect Your Life
by Neil Farber, MD

Serendipity. It is often called by other names: Karma, chance, good luck, the hand of God. Some lucky soul comes across something that changes his or her life, and perhaps the lives of others. We all wish for that lucky occurrence. But how does serendipity differ from pure luck? Luck usually just happens to someone, […]


When You Do Your Part, We Do Our Part
The Collective of Guides Channeled by Salena Migeot

We know that many of you are moving through vast changes in your life at seemingly warp speed. We congratulate you on staying in the flow so beautifully and allowing the necessary changes to happen absent of your resistance. Those of you who resist the inevitable changes that you are all going through on a […]


Come to your Senses: Mindfulness in Nature
by Dalia Wallach

man sitting at beach

There is something calming but also energizing when you spend time in nature. It feels quiet yet there is so much going on between the plants, trees, fungi, birds, bugs and animals. Nothing in nature exists in isolation and everything is interconnected and interdependent. It creates a thriving ecosystem. Once you step into nature you […]