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Bone and Titanium: A Love Story…
by Jimmy Kilimitzoglou, DDS, FACD, FPFA, DABOI, MAGD, FAAID, FICOI

Can I tell you a story? One day, years ago, I was enjoying a hard granola bar. It was crunchy, nutty and delicious. At one point I heard something more than just a crunch. I broke part of my tooth. Being a dentist and having seen countless dental disasters, I feared the worst — losing […]


The Night the Screaming Stopped … by Susan Finley

I have made some horribly bad decisions in my life… I’ll be sharing bad decision #972 … which was, setting up my 87-year-old mom in a hospital bed in my living room, surrounded by security cameras, baby monitors and cordless phones. Mom had dementia, I was trying to keep her safe; I had no idea […]


Another Leap Forward in Dental Healing: The Facetime Phenomenon
by Jeffrey Etess, DMD, NMD, IBDM

It’s nice to see that the masks are coming off and everyone is returning to their normal and happy routines. During the last eighteen months, many have shifted rapidly into virtual communication and have conducted meetings, some for the first time, via video zoom/facetime calls from their desks, tablets, and phones. These virtual platforms are […]


Patient Compliance Optimizes Dental Treatment
by Dr. Linda Golden, DDS

If you’re all about wellness—you have your yoga schedule down pat, drink your green juices, clean with essential oils and lemon, and have organic bedding—then you need to be all about dental health. Although a healthy lifestyle absolutely helps promote a healthy smile, there are certain steps you must take to play an active role […]


“Should I Feed My Pet Table Scraps?”
by Dr. R. Geoffrey Broderick

This is often an unnecessarily controversial question. Whether your pet is 5 months old or 15 years old, you should know that adding certain types of table scraps to your pet’s diet is fundamental to their health and wellbeing. But, they need to be combined with a pure, harm-free food for a pet’s diet to […]


There is Great Value in Relaxation
by Ann Albers and the Angels – Phoenix, AZ

Imagine you are sitting by a clear mountain stream. The air is pure and clear. Take a deep breath and revel in the feeling of the air flowing into your lungs. Release gently. Feel a slight coolness in the air mingling with the warmth of the sun. Imagine your bare feet on the smooth rocks […]


Reigniting Passion’s Flame by Naz Beheshti

Do you know who you are? Do you want to live the way you do right now? How do you want to be remembered? At some point in life, we must answer these questions. Whatever you have accomplished, pause, breathe, and choose to evaluate or reevaluate what you are doing here on this earth: What […]


Three “Negative” Traits That Are Actually Incredibly Productive
by Chloe Carmichael, Ph.D. – New York City

As a therapist in New York City, I have seen my share of clients with covetable traits, such as compassion, emotional intelligence, and self-motivation. I’ve also seen many with, let’s say, unfavorable ones, like self-deprecation and narcissism. But I’ve also seen many, clients, both men and women, who confuse the two. Oftentimes, highly functioning people— […]


Greatness Is Always Just a Decision Away
by Donna Martini – Oyster Bay, NY

We have the right to be happy or to be miserable; to decide that our life is amazing or that it “sucks.” We can nourish our body by taking in healthy food, clean water, and deep breaths, or we can eat crap, dehydrate, and shallow breathe till we crash on our couch. We can look […]


3 Ways to Tap into the Universal Power of Good
by Jeffrey A. Martinovich

You don’t have to be a wiz at math to understand that the universe is an amazing mathematical model. It continually produces more of the variables that can be input into a simple truism: The more we lift each other up, the more we achieve ourselves. As apathetic as the universe may be to whether […]