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by Ann Albers – Phoenix, AZ

women holding binoculars

As the human race continues your transition into the 5D reality, you are learning a very different way of living —one that has always been the way the universe truly works, but one that is more obvious than ever before. Your focus determines your thoughts. Your thoughts (or silent mind) tune you into a vibration, […]


What Will You Do With Your Life Now? by Alan Cohen – Hawaii

As the pandemic recedes, we are all looking forward to reclaiming something like the life we once knew. But could one of the purposes of the pandemic be to direct us to a life better than the one we knew? While many people hope the world returns to normal, that could be the worst of […]


Can a Book from the School Library Change Your Life?
by Elizabeth Gould

A School Library is Like the Bat Cave: it’s a safe fortress in a chaotic world, a source of knowledge and the lair of a superhero. ~ Tom Angleberger As with any book, let’s start at the beginning, which happens to be my beginning as well. When I was nine years old, I decided there […]


Your Child’s First Teacher and Learning Companion
by Carmen Viktoria Gamper

Mothers, fathers, or primary caregivers play an important role as a child’s first teacher. Parents teach their children how to eat with a fork and knife, tie their shoelaces, and brush their teeth. Later, they might teach them how to play basketball, tell time, and bake cookies. For parents who are homeschooling, the list of […]


5 Ways to Make Sex a Spiritual Practice
by Lisa Marie Rankin – Boston, MA

Think back to a blissful day or night of lovemaking. Hopefully, you experienced physical pleasure and emotional connection. Those are generally the reasons we desire sex. However, you might have also experienced a sense of timelessness, unification of body, mind, and spirit, and at the time of orgasm, a loss of self. In fact, the […]


Why Can Women Get So Attached After Having … ?
by Donna Martini – Oyster Bay, NY

“This is so ridiculous! Why do I get so attached to some of the men I have sex with, especially when they act like such jerks?” More than a decade ago, this question, posed to me by one of my clients, prompted a light bulb moment. “She said the men I have sex with,” not […]


Avoidable Errors in the New England Journal of Medicine
by Theodore Dalrymple – UK

Doctors are busy people and therefore tend to skim medical journals rather than read them line by line. They look at the abstract at the beginning of a paper and the conclusions at the end, and trust that the conclusions are justified by all that went before. To ensure that this is so, after all, […]


How to Build Strong Emotional Muscles
by Kate Eckman

Were you ever doing perfectly well (even wonderfully!), only to have an upsetting interaction, phone call, or email that instantly “ruined” your day? I know I have. I recently received a phone call from my agent telling me that a client was refusing to pay me for a job I had already performed, making all […]


My Cat is My Teacher
by Annette Goggio – Oakhurst, CA

Our animals spend time with us for a reason. They may come as a surprise, handed to us by a friend or lover, or even a truck driver stopped at a stoplight; or they may be hunted out, at animal shelters, pet shops or the Internet—but they are always given to us because we need […]


Everyone Can Be My Teacher
by Donna Martini – Oyster Bay, NY

It has happened to all of us… we are having a conversation with someone and either we’re bored, uninterested, preoccupied, or maybe we don’t like what we’re hearing, so we zone out or look to leave the company of another. Once, while at a business function, I was in the midst of one of these […]