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Turn Back the Clock by Harnessing the Nine Hallmarks of Aging
by Greg Macpherson

dna helix

A gray hair or fine line staring back at you in the mirror are just two signs that might make you think that the impact of time passed is starting to make itself visible. These are just a small signal of what goes on at the cellular level in your body. You can’t change time. […]


The Skinny On Oral Health – FAT

Fat-soluble vitamins, that is. Oftentimes we blame disease on genetics. As it turns out, nutrition is more influential. Vitamins are classified as water soluble and fat soluble. Vitamin C is an example of water-soluble vitamins and we all know that it is crucial for our immune system. There are four fat-soluble vitamins: A, D, E, […]


Send Me a Hero!
by Susan Finley

Remember what it was like to be 20? You walked with that bounce in your step. You could stay up all night, you worked hard, played hard and still leapt out of bed the next day, consequence free and eager to greet the sunrise. Ahhh…Remember that? Fast forward 20-30, maybe 40 years. Things may be […]


Another Leap Forward in Dental Healing: Aren’t All Root Canals Bad?
by Dr. Jeffrey Etess, DMD, NMD, IBDM

It is all over the Internet, root canals are bad, haven’t you heard? It must be true. “I googled and found all root canals are toxic.” “My best friend’s wife had a root canal and it’s never felt right to her.” Even President Obama badmouthed root canals during his 2010 State of the Union address […]


Animals Do Communicate With Us
by Dr. R. Geoffrey Broderick

I was having a conversation with one of my new clients from California and we were talking about our animals because he just had to put his dog to sleep. Because his dog was on another horrible pet food. We were talking about their spirits when they pass, and the fact that our pets, while […]


Defense and Justification Come from Insecurity: True Power Comes from Accepting Yourself
by Ann Albers and the Angels – Phoenix, AZ

Take a deep breath. Relax into your deeper truth. You want to love. You want to enjoy the variety life offers and choose from it what you enjoy and what you wish to create. You want to listen to your God-given inner compass and do what feels right to you. You never intended to be […]


Charisma Will Enhance Your “Resume”
by Leesa Rowland – New York City

We are taught many lessons and develop many qualities and traits, but none are as uniquely important as discovering and nurturing your individual charisma factor that is already nestled deep inside of you. Charisma truly is the icing on the cake of a great foundation! It is an extremely important trait that can make a […]


There is Great Value in Relaxation
by Ann Albers and the Angels – Phoenix, AZ

Imagine you are sitting by a clear mountain stream. The air is pure and clear. Take a deep breath and revel in the feeling of the air flowing into your lungs. Release gently. Feel a slight coolness in the air mingling with the warmth of the sun. Imagine your bare feet on the smooth rocks […]


Appeal to U.S. Supreme Court Being Prepared
by Arthur Firstenberg – Santa Fe, NM


In the fall of 2018 the City of Santa Fe, New Mexico awarded franchises to five telecommunications companies for the purpose of placing both fiber-optic cables and 5G antennas in the streets and on the sidewalks of our fair city. Immediately the Santa Fe Alliance for Public Health and Safety, which has been working against […]


Are You Ready to Take Off Your Mask?
by Alan Cohen

HoT Air Balloon

As I was checking out of a grocery store, I asked the clerk if she was looking forward to removing her mask when our state releases its mask requirement soon. “I’ve kind of gotten used to it,” she replied. “I might keep wearing it even after I don’t have to.” Her response reminded me of […]