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Activate Peace Now
by Randi Levin

lotus bud

I like to be mindful when certain words and concepts make a memorable entrance into my coaching practice and into my life. That word of the moment is PEACE. On the surface, finding peace may seem like a way to step back and pause, to not care, or to compromise. Look again. Peace is a […]


The Human Race
by Kevin Hancock

48 Whispers

A lion sleeps in the heart of every man. – Old Turkish Proverb As a CEO I have come to believe that the place of work needs a higher calling. Bigger, better, faster, more is no longer an appropriate top priority list for corporations around the world. Work needs more meaning. At the corner of […]


Bend, But Don’t Break
by Donna Martini, Oyster Bay, NY

Have you ever looked at a wintery landscape and wondered why the trees are bending but not breaking from the weight of ice and snow? Healthy branches don’t break. They are malleable because, like us, they contain water. And because cold, icy water expands instead of contracts, trees survive the storms. They persevere during the […]


Alone for the Holidays? Strategies For Getting Through the Holidays and Helping Others to Do the Same
by Carrington Smith – Austin, TX

As a young professional, newly divorced, and buried in student loans, I remember calling my parents and crying about the prospect of spending my first Christmas alone. My father said that it would do me some good. He had a knack for that – taking the knife and twisting it in further. I was embarrassed […]


People Who Are Authentic Don’t Have to be Perfect: Seeing Behind the Façade of Holiday Cards, EOY Brag Letters, and Social Media
by Carrington Smith – Austin, TX

holiday tree

It’s that time of year. The time that we receive a deluge of holiday cards, end-of-year “my life is so fabulous!” brag letters, and social media posts that show how much fun, how perfect, and how amazing everyone else in our universe is. The end-of-year brag letters are the worst. I had one friend who […]


You Are Never Alone – Turning to the Light
by Brenda Shoshanna – New York City

lotus flower

It often seems as if we are left alone in this world , having to battle gigantic forces, having no power to turn darkness around. But this amazing week, and season, says otherwise. This is a time of turning deeply to the light. Many holidays converge now, all dedicated to living a life if kindness, […]


Join the Thrive Tribe!
by Alan Cohen

Man holding torch

I saw a video of journalist Bill Moyer interviewing Chief Oren Lyons of the Native American Onondaga Council. Lyons was appointed to the position of Faithkeeper in the tribe. His job is to hold the vision of well-being no matter what adverse conditions present themselves. If there is war, famine, or threatening weather, he is […]


Hearing the Whispers of Your Soul
by Kori Hahn Sri Lanka

sand dunes

I am a dreamer, and just as John Lennon said, I know I’m not the only one. Since I was a little girl, I have always found myself passionately pulled to try new things. In high school, I dreamed of playing the guitar like Sheryl Crow. In college, I imagined traveling the world with only […]


Subtle Energy Techniques for a Radiant New You this New Year
by Cyndi Dale

No matter your biological age, energy medicine offers great anti-aging benefits. From the get-go, I must admit that I have my own secret ingredient. I have spent almost two decades following my youngest son’s baseball career, with most of the games occurring between February and June in the upper Midwest. Guess what that means? Yup. […]


Defense and Justification Come from Insecurity
by Ann Albers and the Angels Phoenix, AZ

Take a deep breath. Relax into your deeper truth. You want to love. You want to enjoy the variety life offers and choose from it what you enjoy and what you wish to create. You want to listen to your God-given inner compass and do what feels right to you. You never intended to be […]