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You Are Part of an Exciting Time on the Planet
by Ann Albers and The Angels – Phoenix, AZ

Every moment that you spend attuning to the thoughts that give you joy is a moment closer to having your desires appear in your life. Resolve that you will give yourself permission to find thoughts and things to feel good about, no matter the circumstances around you. We are not predicting gloom and doom in […]


From No Way to New Way
by Alan Cohen Hawaii

tunnel leading out to tree surrounded by light

I was coaching a young woman who had been dating a guy for a short time. “He told me not to phone or text him anymore. What do you think I should do?” “Why would you want to pursue a guy who doesn’t want to be with you?” I asked her. “Rejection is protection and […]


Men and Relationships
by Joyce and Barry Vissell – Aptos, CA

happy couple

Over the years of working with men and their relationships, not to mention my own 59-year relationship with Joyce, I have seen some central issues emerge. The last thing I want to do is generalize, saying that all men do this or feel that. However, I have seen certain tendencies which apply to many men. […]


This Gift Has Your Number On It
by Rev. Sue Frederick

Through a Divine Lens

You still have something important to do, even if you can’t see it right now. Even when you feel lost and pointless, without direction, floating in grief, that great thing still lives inside of you, deep down. When the time is right and the world is ready and you’ve learned what you needed to learn, […]


Good Vibrations and Well-being … Thinking is a Big Responsiblity
by Debbie Sellwood

You are a Frequency – How personal vibration influences health, well-being and development by Debbie Sellwood

We live in a physical world so naturally we associate ourselves operating as a physical body, but in fact we are much more. Everything is energy, including the physical body, but because of its low frequency we present as physical form. To explain this further, take the analogy of the fan – when it is […]


You Cannot Fail
by Brenda Shoshanna – New York City

lotus bud

There’s no such thing as Zen wisdom, just wisdom is enough. Wisdom is wisdom, coming from everywhere. All these labels that we put on things distract us, confuse us, mislead. They send us along different detours. However we label life doesn’t matter, wisdom is wisdom, truth is truth. Wisdom Is In Front Of Our Face […]


Our Actions Need Purpose and Meaning
by Milissa Castanza-Seymour – Bethpage, NY

man with bow and arrow

Every day is a journey, and the journey itself is home. ~Matsuo Basho What is life but an unfamiliar journey. We wander about until at some point we question life’s purpose. The questions raise themselves from some undiscovered space, as the mystery of it all intensifies. What is my purpose? Why am I unsatisfied at […]


Five Ways To Navigate Social Gatherings After Quitting Alcohol
by Radha Metro-Midkiff – New York City

lotus flower

Enjoying a night out with friends after quitting alcohol can be refreshing and deeply rewarding, when approached from a Yogic perspective. Here are five tips to help you navigate social gatherings with mindfulness and presence, drawing from the principles of Integral Yoga: Set an Intention (Sankalpa) Take a moment to set a personal intention for […]


Healing the “Father-Son Wound”
by Joyce and Barry Vissell – Aptos, CA

I just had the opportunity to talk with Jed Diamond, mostly about this important topic. You can watch this video conversation on YouTube here: I feel it is vital for not only men, but also women, to understand the father-son wound, and to know how to heal it. Over the decades, I have watched […]


Every One of Us Has a Calling What’s Yours?
by Alphonsus Obayuwana, M.D., Ph.D.

The Happiness Formula, A Scientific, Groundbreaking Approach to Happiness and Personal Fulfillment

As humans, one of the most remarkable of our universally shared endowments is the capacity to hope, which grants each of us the ability to dream and the strength to pursue the goal that arises out of our imagined possibilities. In addition to this amazing capability to hope, that we all share, each one of […]